Tag Archives: Michigan State Law

Confused About Michigan’s New ‘Clean Slate Act’? Let’s Clear a Few Things up.

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A couple of months ago we shared some information with you about Michigan’s new Clean Slate Act, and the impact it will have on the state of Michigan’s expungement laws. However, the Clean Slate Act is much more complex than just a law that makes expungement of certain misdemeanors and felonies automatic after a certain […]

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Michigan’s Next Step in Addressing Vaping Problems

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If you follow our blog or read the news, then you’re already familiar with the vaping ban Governor Whitmer attempted to put in place after declaring vaping a public health emergency. The ban, which made the use of any flavored vaping products and accessories illegal in Michigan, was the first of its kind in the […]

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The Michigan Supreme Court Has Agreed to Hear The “Jury Tampering” Pamphlet Case!

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If you read the news with any regularity, then you’re already familiar with the jury tampering case that made headlines in 2015. Kevin Woods, a former pastor and current activist in Mecosta County, was arrested for handing out pamphlets to a pool of possible jurors before a trial. That pamphlet told them about their “jury […]

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What You Need to Know About Michigan’s New Vaping Law (Pt 2)

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Welcome back and thanks for joining us for the rest of this discussion on Michigan’s new vaping laws. As we mentioned in the previous article, Michigan Governor Whitmer declared vaping a public health emergency and has banned all flavored vape products. Michigan is now the first state in the U.S. to have a law against […]

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What You Need to Know About Michigan’s New Vaping Law (Pt 1)

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According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking has decreased slowly in the US over the last decade or so, which can be attributed to better health education and awareness campaigns. But as is often the case, when one unhealthy trend declines another steps in to take its place. And as […]

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Should The Statute of Limitations be Longer When The Alleged Criminal are Michigan Public Officials?

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Whether it’s cops, priests, teachers, or government officials, people expect more from those in authority. It’s the reason why a sexual assault by a doctor on a patient is considered more heinous than a random act of sexual violence commited by a stranger. It’s why there’s so much public rage when police officers break the […]

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Illinois Just Legalized Recreational Weed! What Does That Mean For Michigan?

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The issue of legalized marijuana, whether specifically for medicinal purposes, or generally for recreation, has been a controversial subject for decades. Ever since Colorado took that first step towards decriminalizing pot, states have been stepping up to the plate and changing their laws to accommodate people’s desire for less regulated weed. And the state of […]

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20 Crazy Laws on The Books in Michigan! (Pt 2)

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Hey there! Welcome back. We’ve been having a good chuckle about the crazy laws still on the books in Michigan (and there are quite a few!). If you’re just stumbling onto this now, we recommend you spend a few minutes and get all caught up on some of the hilarious (or just plain odd) laws […]

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20 Crazy Laws on The Books in Michigan! (Pt 1)

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If you read the news, then you probably heard about the cussing law that the Michigan legislature repealed in 2015. It said you couldn’t swear in front of women and children or you could end up in jail. That was the same year then-Governor Snyder signed off on the bill package that did away with […]

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Is it a Crime to Spread HIV on Purpose in Michigan?

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  HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus, which is the virus that, if not treated, can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS. Unlike with other viruses, you can never get rid of it completely, so once you contract HIV, you have it for life. That’s one important reason why it’s considered such a big […]

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