Aggressive Criminal Defense Blog

Online Fraud and Phone Scams: Watch Out For the Bad Guys!

Although Michigan, and certainly many other states, have seen a significant drop in certain crimes like murder and burglary, the quarantine has provided a perfect environment for certain other criminal activities to flourish. Specifically, scams. The problem of financial fraud has become a very big deal since the nationwide lockdown began. With so many people […]

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How Are The Michigan Courts Handling My Case During The Quarantine Period?

We are living in a difficult time. People are trapped in their homes with their families, waiting out a potentially deadly disease, and we have no idea when it’s all going to end. As with everything, there is a beginning, a middle and an end. However, while we’re all trying to get along and survive […]

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Crime Rates Are Down, But Domestic Violence Rates Are Skyrocketing!

The Kronzek Firm PLC is up and running during this health emergency. Our attorneys are doing virtual consultations and accepting new clients while we continue to provide service to our existing clients. You can reach our main office in Lansing by calling 886 1000. Although the current social isolation lockdown happening here in Michigan, and […]

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My Boyfriend Said If I Leave Him, He’s Going to…. (Pt 2)

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again at The Kronzek Firm. We’ve been discussing the difficulty faced by a great many women (and also some men) when their partners threaten them. As we mentioned in the previous article, there are a startling number of people who have been threatened by a boyfriend or spouse. […]

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My Boyfriend Said If I Leave Him, He’s Going to…. (Pt 1)

Have you ever heard someone say that before? We have. In most cases, it was a woman who was afraid of her partner, but desperately wanted to be out of her situation. And the threats we’ve heard over the years have been as varied as the women who’ve shared them with us. Have you ever […]

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Will I go to Jail For Making Threats at a Michigan School?

You can hardly turn on the news these days without hearing about a student somewhere who brought a gun to school and made threats against others, or worse – used that gun to shoot and kill other students. School shootings are a major issue these days, and not just here in Michigan. States all over […]

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Can I Just do House Arrest in Michigan Instead of Going to Jail?

For many people facing a jail sentence here in Michigan, the idea of house arrest seems infinitely more appealing. And who can blame them? Being in your own home is considerably more pleasant than spending months behind bars in county jail. And while house arrest certainly isn’t a cakewalk (there will be lots of rules […]

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Why Can’t I Fire a Gun on my Own Michigan Property (Pt 2)

Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion about why firing a gun on your own property here in Michigan might get you into trouble. As we mentioned in the previous article, you are allowed to have as many guns in your home as you want (provided you’re not a convicted felon, […]

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Why Can’t I Fire a Gun on my Own Property Here In Michigan? (Pt 1)

So you want to know about your right to fire a gun on your own property in Michigan? Here’s the thing… There are a lot of things that are illegal to do out in the public arena (with good reason) that you can still do legally at home. For example, if you choose to drive […]

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Can Expressing Your Political Views Get You Arrested in Michigan?

The answer to that question is: it depends. On what, you wonder? A lot of things, but let’s start with the basics – namely, how you plan to express those political views. If you’re hopping on Facebook and trash-talking the Republicans or the Democrats, it might make you unpopular, but it’s not going to get […]

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