Aggressive Criminal Defense Blog

The Pushback Against Facial Recognition Software is Huge! (Pt 1)

If you read the news (which we understand can be a little overwhelming at this point), then you already know that the use of facial recognition software is a highly controversial subject. Here in Michigan, the Detroit Police Department has been using Facial Recognition Software for years, which has led to some highly publicized instances […]

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Lawmakers Say Michigan’s Criminal Justice System Needs a Major Overhaul!

This may not come as any surprise to you (or to anyone, really), but Michigan’s criminal justice system is not perfect. Over the years we’ve discussed this many times with our readers, and it certainly seems to reflect a widely-held perspective that the Great Lakes state could use some help when it comes to updating […]

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Parental Kidnapping: Yes it Really Happens, And Yes it’s a Crime in Michigan!

For most of us, when we think of a kidnapping, we think of strangers who steal kids for enormous amounts of ransom money or for sexual exploitation. The kind where the parents are very wealthy, and the FBI gets involved. Say the word “kidnapping” and the visuals called to mind are of Patty Hearst, Adam […]

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Kiddie Porn Hacking Zoom Meetings

Here in Michigan’s beautiful lower peninsula, businesses are doing things much the same way as businesses all over the state. During these unprecedented times, we’ve all come to rely on online services and apps much more heavily than we did when meeting in person was safer. Which means that a huge number of meetings and […]

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Are ‘Designer Drugs’ Still a Thing in Michigan? Oh Yes, They Are!

If the term ‘designer drugs‘ isn’t one you’re familiar with, consider yourself lucky. Although perhaps we should take a moment to explain, since the word ‘designer’ can be a bit misleading in this case. While a designer purse or dress or perfume implies something finely crafted by someone whose creativity is celebrated in their industry, […]

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Is it Protesting, or is it Looting And Rioting? What does Michigan Law Say?

You would have to have lived under a rock for the last few weeks to be completely unaware of the protests and riots that have taken place in cities across America in recent weeks. Maybe you saw the videos from Detroit, Grand Rapids, East Lansing, and Lansing. Our nation is in the midst of a […]

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Did Drunk Driving Stats go Down During Quarantine? And What’s Next Now That it’s Over?

You would think that during quarantine, drunk driving statistics would be down all over the United States, because people weren’t able to go to the bar. And in some parts of the country, you’d be right. California, for example, saw a significant decline in the number of DUI arrests during the Covid19 lockdown. But that […]

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Shootings and Murders Are up in Michigan During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Although there have been many stories floating around on social media about the unexpected benefits this lockdown has had on the environment, and society as a whole. However, not everything has been for the best. Crime in general may be down, with robberies, burglaries, and sexual assault numbers showing significant decreases around Michigan, not every […]

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How do I Hire The Best Criminal Defense Attorney? Look For These 6 Things. (2)

Hi there and welcome back from the criminal defense lawyers here at The Kronzek Firm. We’ve been talking about what you need to look for in a criminal defense attorney when you are either being investigated for a crime or if you’ve been charged with a crime in Michigan. When either of those things happens, […]

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How do I Hire The Best Criminal Defense Lawyer? Look For These 6 Things. (1)

If you’re going to hire a criminal defense attorney to fight for youand defend you in court after you’ve been charged with a crime here in Michigan, make sure that you’re getting the best legal representation you can afford. After all, this is your future and your freedom on the line. But how do you […]

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