Tag Archives: Dealing with the Police

Can The Cops Use Location Tracking on Your Phone to Identify You as a Suspect?

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There was a day in the not too distant past where cell phones were exactly that – phones. You could use them to make calls and send messages. But that was pretty much it. Now, a cell phone is nothing short of a tiny computer, connecting you to the entire world and placing almost limitless […]

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Don’t Get Tricked by The Cops: The Four Lines You Should Never Fall For (Pt 2)

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Hi there, and welcome back to this discussion about not falling for those ‘classic’ cop lines that get you into so much trouble with the law. And no, we’re not talking about those terrible come-ons you hear at the bar, or the appalling one-liners you find in your messages from folks on social media who […]

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Don’t Get Tricked by The Cops: The Four Lines You Should Never Fall For! (Pt 1)

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Usually, when someone tells you you’ve fallen for a classic line, it tends to be something that sounded really sincere after about four drinks. “Is it hot in here or is it just you?” or perhaps, “Didn’t I see you on the cover of Vogue?”. Or the not-so-classic “I lost my phone number… can I […]

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If You’ve Been Accused of a Crime, The Cops Are NOT Your Friends! (Pt 2)

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Welcome back and thanks for joining The Kronzek Firm again. We’ve been talking about the difficulties faced by people accused of a crime or caught up in a criminal investigation as a suspect. Specifically, how they should act when confronted by the police. As we mentioned in the previous article, the police departments consist of […]

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If You’ve Been Accused of a Crime, The Cops Are NOT Your Friends! (Pt 1)

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The average cop is a good person. You may be surprised to hear us say that, as Michigan criminal defense attorneys, but we really believe it. It’s been our experience as aggressive criminal defense lawyers who deal with law enforcement on a regular basis. Most cops are just regular people doing a very hard job […]

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How Your Own Smartphone Can Rat You Out to The Cops! (Pt 1)

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For almost everybody, the days of navigating from a folded map are over. We no longer have someone sitting next to us in the passenger seat shouting, “Turn here! Here! Ugh, you missed the exit for downtown Lansing! Why aren’t you listening to me?” Instead, a moderated electronic voice issues calm commands from the tiny […]

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Be Very Careful When You Interact With Cops. Here’s Why.

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Cops are regular people. They’re moms and dads, uncles and aunts, sons and daughters. They have families all over Michigan, hobbies, and complex lives outside of their work. But when a cop is in uniform and on duty, you can’t treat them the same way you would treat another civilian on the street. Police officers […]

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Why do I Have to Wait For The Cops After a Car Crash? (Pt 2)

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Welcome back to our discussion about leaving the scene of a crash in Michigan, and why it can get you into a lot of trouble. In the previous article we looked at why people would choose to leave a car crash without notifying the cops, and what the law says you’re supposed to do in […]

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Why do I Have to Wait For The Cops After a Car Crash? (Pt 1)

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People involved in car crashes here in Michigan tend to go through a series of emotional responses that are pretty standard – shock, fear, and anger being the most common. But once that’s over, they usually move on to figuring out what they need to do next. Some are concerned about their vehicles and how […]

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