Tag Archives: marijuana charges

Has The Legalization of Marijuana in Michigan Changed How Cops Enforce The Law? (Pt 2)

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Hi there, welcome back and thanks for joining us again. We’re looking at the issue of marijuana law in Michigan, and how challenging it is for the police to enforce the law because it changes often and isn’t always as clear cut as they’d like. Although legalization has changed a lot of things in Michigan, […]

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Michigan WON’T be Automatically Expunging Your Weed Convictions!

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If you follow The Kronzek Firm’s blog (which you should do!) then you know we talk about the issue of expungements on a relatively regular basis. This is partly because we are in favor of people getting a second chance at a future, and we don’t like to see anyone held back from their best […]

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Drug Defense Lawyer – Michigan Attorney Uses ‘Smell Expert’ to Defend Couple Accused of Drug Crimes

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Every drug defense lawyer was happy to hear about the U.S. District Judge who tossed a marijuana case against a couple who was arrested after an officer “smelled” the drug coming from their home. Using the testimony of a smell expert, the defense successfully argued that there was no way Officer Kyle Young could have smelled the drugs.

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