Tag Archives: For Your Information

NBA’s Draymond Green Arrested For Assault in Michigan

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The NBA‘s Draymond Green, forward for the Golden State Warriors, was recently arrested in East Lansing, Michigan for Assault. But the Ingham County judge, presiding in 54B District Court and overseeing Green’s case has agreed to move his arraignment so as to not interfere with his appearance at the next Olympic Games.   According to […]

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No Charges Against Edsel Ford For Alleged Domestic Violence

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The name Ford is synonymous with American history in the form of the classic motor car. It was Henry Ford who gave the US its automobile history, and Michigan it’s title as the “motor state.” So it is little wonder that anyone born under the auspicious title of “Ford” will have their actions scrutinized by […]

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Supreme Court Says Michigan Law Protects Lying Cops

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There has been a great deal of animosity among the general public towards police officers of late. Some of it may be justified, and some of it is not. But when it comes to the most recent Michigan Supreme Court decision about the three lying police officers from Detroit, it is hard to believe that […]

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President Reduces Detroit-Area Man’s Sentence

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In a recent article we discussed the fact that President Obama has dedicated a significant portion of his final year in office to shortening the prison sentences of people primarily convicted of federal nonviolent crimes. Note that the President of the United States can only alter sentences for federal convictions and not for state of […]

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DOJ Working to Address Mental Illness in Criminal Courts

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Department of Justice Hopes to Ease Strain on Criminal Court There is a long history of tenuous relations between the courts of the criminal justice system and the mental health community. And rightly so. After all, the number of mentally ill people behind bars in the Unites States is unprecedented and continues to grow. People […]

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Michigan Supreme Court Ruling

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Supreme Court Decision on Michigan License Plates   A decision by the Michigan Supreme Court could affect drivers all over the state, due to a recent ruling on license plates. But according to the high court, how drivers are affected is entirely in their own hands.

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Is Pay-or-stay Sentencing Still Legal in Michigan?

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It has been decades since the United States Supreme Court put a ban on pay-or-stay sentencing, which put people behind bars if they are unable to pay a fine. But just because the High Court says no to the pay-up-or-go-to-jail method of justice, that doesn’t mean a handful of judges around the mitten state aren’t […]

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Detroit Police Officers Indicted

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Corrupt cops. Just the words incite disgust and anger in civilians and officers alike. But what is almost worse, is the phenomenal amount of damage it does to the tenuous relationship that exists between police officers and the communities they serve. Which is certainly the case for the Detroit Police Department, who are reeling from […]

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Body Cameras for Michigan Police Officers?

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Body cameras worn by police officers is an issue with lots of debate between those who argue that transparency and accountability are great tools for ensuring better officer conduct, and those who claim that the financial investment is too great a strain for most departments to make it a worthwhile expenditure.

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Michigan “Youth Behind Bars”

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Report Criticizes State Law A recent report on juveniles in prison criticizes the state of Michigan for “funneling children into Michigan’s adult prison system due to a series of harsh ‘tough on crime’ laws…” From 2003 through 2013, the Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency studied incarcerated youth who had been tried as adults; gathering […]

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