Tag Archives: Drunk Driving Charges

Arrested For Drunk Driving? Why Your BAC / Breath Test Results Might be Wrong! (Pt 1)

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If you’ve ever been arrested for drunk driving in Lansing, Charlotte, or Ionia, then you know how awful that experience can be. You’re trying to get home safely and instead you end up pressed up against your car in the dark, walking an imaginary line on the street where everyone can see you, and finally […]

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If my Michigan Driver’s License is Suspended Can I Still Drive in Other States?

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If your driver’s license is suspended or revoked here in Michigan, it can affect your life in many ways. Think about how hard it would be to keep a job, to run errands and buy groceries and to run a household.  But what about travelling to other states? You certainly can’t drive around in Lansing, […]

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Did Drunk Driving Stats go Down During Quarantine? And What’s Next Now That it’s Over?

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You would think that during quarantine, drunk driving statistics would be down all over the United States, because people weren’t able to go to the bar. And in some parts of the country, you’d be right. California, for example, saw a significant decline in the number of DUI arrests during the Covid19 lockdown. But that […]

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Appeals Court Tosses DUI Charge Because Cop Got The Speed Limit Wrong!

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The year was 2015. The place: the village of Saranac in Ionia County, Michigan. Anthony Owen was barreling along on a country road at 43 mph when the dreaded red and blue flashers filled his rear view mirror. He pulled over and was joined by a sheriff’s deputy who informed him he’d been doing 43 […]

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How to Keep ‘March Madness’ From Ending as ‘March Misery’!

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Although the weather is still pretty darn cold outside, the calendar says we’re hovering on Spring’s doorstep. Yes, it’s that time of year again – the season of March madness, Irish drinking songs and that most revered of college break periods. You guessed it…. the NCAA, St Patrick’s day, and spring break, all rolled into […]

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MI Criminal Charges – Michigan Prison Escapee of 34 Years Arrested by Police

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Police recently arrested a man who had escaped from the Michigan Department of Corrections almost 34 years ago. Living under an alias, the man was finally caught after fingerprinting technology matched him within the court computer system to his true identity and previous convictions.

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