MI Drug Charges – First Major Michigan Medical Marijuana Crackdown Results in the Arrest of 15 People

Since voters enacted the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act in 2008, the state has been embroiled in a debate on how to appropriately implement the legislation. Dispensaries have opened across the state, but experienced criminal lawyers in Michigan warn patients and caregivers that their rights could still be interfered with. Should police think that any part of the law is being violated, a person may be subject to arrest and serious criminal charges.

Last week, police arrested 15 people after a two month investigation. Prosecutors allege that the operators of three Michigan medical marijuana dispensaries were illegally distributing the drug to people without proper documentation. The Oakland County Sheriff’s Narcotics Enforcement team raided Clinical Relief in Ferndale and Everybody’s Cafe and Herbal Remedies in Waterford. According to The Detroit Free Press, law officials confiscated a laundry list of items including marijuana, $30,000 in cash, grow lights, patient records, firearms, and two guard alligators.

Some choose to grow the marijuana themselves

The law maintains that individuals who have received the proper medical clearance may legally possess up to two and a half ounces of marijuana. In order to qualify, the person must suffer from a chronic or debilitating disease, such as cancer, glaucoma, or AIDS. The law does not specify that patients or caregivers are required to buy the drug from dispensaries; some choose to grown the marijuana themselves.

Although prosecutors maintain that illegal activity took place, the dispensary operators promise to fight back. Ryan Richmond, co-owner of Clinical Relief defended his partner, who was among those arrested. “What we do is legal. What they did with those raids was illegal.” Like other recent medical marijuana cases, it is likely that a courtroom showdown will begin. The battle will be between those looking to curb the industry and those others looking to expand it.

While it is unknown what the outcome of this case will be, it is certain that the debate over medical marijuana is here to stay, at least for now. As the scope of the law continues to be clarified, people who are lawfully complying with its regulations are still arrested and face serious drug charges. If convicted, a person may be subjected to stiff fines or even jail time. To protect yourself against such consequences, it is essential to contact hard-working and aggressive criminal attorneys in Michigan. Hesitating to do so can make a difference when it comes to the choice of maintaining your rights or spending time in jail.

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