When people make bad choices in their careers, other people can be quite vicious in their judgement about it. But when the people making the poor choices are judges, police officers, teachers, priests, or anyone else who is held aloft as an example of someone who “should have known better”, the public response can be downright brutal. And that certainly seems to be the case when it comes to former Livingston County District Judge Theresa Brennan, who was recently sentenced to spend time in the very jail where she had sent hundreds of defendants to serve out their time beforehand.
What got Theresa Brennan into trouble in the first place?
According to court documents, Brennan was accused of numerous felonies, indiscretions and ethics violations. These claims included:
- Having a sexual relationship with a Michigan State Police detective who was involved in a murder trial she was presiding over,
- Failing to recuse herself from her own divorce case, which was automatically assigned to her by the court,
- Destroying evidence by wiping her phone’s memory after it was ordered preserved as evidence,
What were the consequences of the charges against her?
Brennan was removed from the bench by the Michigan Supreme Court in June of 2019. She was charged with numerous felonies, including Tampering With Evidence and Misconduct in Office. However both of those charges were later dismissed as part of her plea agreement, in which Brennan pled guilty to perjury. She was sentenced by visiting Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Paul Cusick, who stated that probation as a consequence would be “wholly inadequate”, and sentenced her to spend 6 months in jail.
She wasn’t in that jail for a full day before being moved!
Brennan was given a week to get her affairs in order, before being required to report to the Livingston County Jail on Friday, January 24th by 9 am. But by the middle of the afternoon she had already been moved to another jail outside of Livingston County, despite the Livingston County Sheriff Department’s earlier assurances that they were prepared to house Brennan. “We made a decision that it would be better for her to be moved to another facility,” Livingston County Sheriff Michael Murphy told the media, although he refused to say where she was currently being housed.For good reason, jail officials are concerned for Brennan’s safety while she is in custody.
Allegations of professional misconduct can ruin your career!
Even if the allegations aren’t any more than just that – allegations. Even if you’re innocent, or people simply don’t understand the full story, being accused of a crime can ruin your reputation and cost you your job! Here at The Kronzek Firm, our experienced and aggressive criminal defense attorneys have helped hundreds of Michigan professionals over the years to defend their reputations and preserve their careers in the face of scandal. We can help you too. We’ve been fighting criminal cases for the past quarter century with much success.
Make sure you get the right help when defending your future!
If you’re fighting for your future you’re going to need help from seasoned professionals who know exactly what you’re up against, and how best to deal with your particular situation. Regardless of where in Michigan’s lower peninsula you live – Lansing, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Battle Creek or Brighton – call 866 766 5245 today and make sure you’re backed by a team that’ll fight for your freedom and your future as if it were our own. We’re available 24/7 to help you through this crisis by calling 1 877 7NoJail.
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