Tag Archives: Extortion Charges in Michigan

Will Charges Against Michigan House Rep Charged With Bribery & Extortion be Dismissed?

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Nothing seems to inflame the masses more than the fall of the high and mighty. When regular folks break the law or make mistakes, people just shake their heads. But when cops, priests, and politicians break the law it’s amazing how quickly people take up arms against them. Suddenly every move they make is scrutinized, […]

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MI Conspiracy Charges – Marquette Woman Charged With Conspiracy for Stamos Cocaine Photos

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A Marquette woman and her boyfriend are currently facing conspiracy and extortion charges after trying to receive a monetary sum from actor John Stamos in exchange for incriminating pictures of the “Full House” star. While the defendants insist the photos exist, the prosecution isn’t as convinced, ultimately leading to the criminal charges against them.

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