The Michigan lawyers at The Kronzek Firm PLC want to make sure you are well-represented. They work with their clients, not just for them. 866-766-5245

Too Many Michigan Lawyers?

Do we really need so many Michigan lawyers? And what does this mean for those searching for legal representation?

Common sense will tell you that our state is just loaded with lawyers. Looking around city streets, you will see billboards and bus stops just teeming with advertisements for different law firms. Even watching daytime television can be a roll-your-eyes moment, with more than a few law commercials every single hour.

The fact is the legal market is saturated across the country, but it is especially noticeable in states like Michigan. The American Bar Association reported that in 2012 the number of resident, active attorneys in our state was 33,692. In 2013, this rose to 33,995, or roughly 34 lawyers for every 10,000 residents. While the numbers are unreported yet for 2014, the trend has likely continued.

In 2013, The Atlantic published an article titled, “The Absolute Worst States for Job-Hunting Law-School Grads.”  Michigan ranked second. At that time, there were 6.48 Michigan law grads for every legal job opening.

With such a huge job market deficit, many new Michigan lawyers resort to starting their own firms. Most never planned to open a law firm right away or even at all, but did so out of necessity.  In turn, they ended up just following the money.

Focusing on criminal law, family law, and personal injury law are the most common and lucrative choices for new law firms. And many lawyers also become jack-of-all-trades types or offer bargain basement prices to compete in the saturated Michigan market.

Representation with Experience

People have an immediate and overriding need to find representation when charged with serious crimes. But as a consumer, it is critically important to search for experienced, aggressive legal representation–not just the first attorney who catches your eye, and not just the cheapest in town.  You want to find criminal defense and family lawyers passionate about their jobs. You don’t want “just another lawyer” merely working to stave off starvation. You want an attorney who knows how to win cases and also one who cares about clients. Just picking a name off a billboard or a commercial isn’t a sound way to get the results you are looking for.

At The Kronzek Firm PLC, we aim to do things differently. We are a full-service law firm that doesn’t believe in cutting corners. Our lawyers have approximately 100 years of combined courtroom experience and thoroughly represent our clients at all stages of a case. We believe in forging strong relationships with our clients, fully standing behind them, protecting their rights. The bottom line is, we are a firm you can believe in.

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