Federal Law Matters – Handgun Ban Deemed Unconstitutional By US Supreme Court

According to the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, Americans have the right to hold and bear arms for self-defense, an ability that aggressive Michigan criminal defense lawyers work hard to protect. However, in recent years handgun bans in various major cities in the United States have made that a difficult task. Fortunately, in a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision, the rights of American citizens to keep and bear arms were upheld, extending to state and local levels. Since 1982, the Midwest city of Chicago has had some of the strictest handgun laws in the country. Residents were not allowed to own handguns for personal use, even in their homes.

Despite these harsh firearm laws, changes were set in motion in 2008. This was when the United States Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment assertion that the rights of individuals to possess a gun for self-defense applied to the nation’s capitol. However, since Washington D.C. is a federal city and not a state, it was not specified whether or not the ruling extended to other state or municipal laws.

Supreme Court Clarifies Ruling on New Gun Regulations

Fortunately, early Monday morning the Supreme Court clarified themselves. In a 5-4 ruling, the court reasserted the constitutional protection of the Second Amendment to include state and municipal laws, ultimately having both national and local implications. According to gun-rights advocates, this victory for the Second Amendment could potentially allow constitutional appeals to restrictions on handguns be heard and granted nationwide.

As evidenced by the decision handed down from the Supreme Court, the legal process is a complex and ever-changing one. If you have been accused of criminal charges, it is important to find out all your options before proceeding with any type of defense. For this, it is in your best interest to contact knowledgeable Michigan criminal defense attorneys for assistance. Doing so immediately can provide superior legal representation designed to protect your individual rights and freedoms including the right to own handguns for personal use.

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