Category Archives: Michigan Legislation

20 Crazy Laws on The Books in Michigan! (Pt 1)

If you read the news, then you probably heard about the cussing law that the Michigan legislature repealed in 2015. It said you couldn’t swear in front of women and children or you could end up in jail. That was the same year then-Governor Snyder signed off on the bill package that did away with […]

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Watch Out! You May be Breaking The Law Without Even Realizing it! (Pt 1)

Have you ever discovered that you actually did something illegal, but had no idea at the time that it was against the law? Well, good news – you’re not alone. People do it every day. And with Michigan’s regulation-heavy criminal laws, this becomes more likely all the time. However ignorance of our state law isn’t […]

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Civil Asset Forfeiture: What Michigan Lawmakers Are Doing About it.

We’ve shared with our readers many times in recent years about the issues involved in civil asset forfeiture in Michigan. Specifically, how improperly managed civil asset forfeiture robs citizens of their belongings and destroys trust between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve. However the need for change has become a major topic of […]

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Keeping Up With The Changing Laws In Michigan Can Be Hard

  Michigan law is constantly changing. Every month new laws are introduced, discussed and debated, and passed. But not all laws introduced are passed. And some laws get a lot of media attention, while others slip by under the radar with no one any the wiser. All in all, it can be very difficult to […]

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Happy New Laws, Michigan!

  It’s a new year, Michigan! Happy 2018. A whole 365 days of possibility and potential just waiting to be claimed! Another chance to live life to the fullest, and seize the day. And,… let’s not forget, a time when several new laws go into effect. So from us to you – happy new laws, […]

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New Michigan Law: Pointing Lasers at Trains and Planes is Illegal!

  In early May of this year, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed a bill into law that addressed the issue of lasers, planes and trains. Nope, you’re thinking of that goofy 80’s movie Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. This is something completely different. (And far more serious!)   It all began in February of this year. […]

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Smoking Age in Michigan To Change To 18 From 21?

  One of the greatest anomalies that people from European countries have pointed out about the disparity in American law has to do with the age at which people are allowed to partake in certain activities. For example, only in the U.S. can you drive a car on an interstate highway at 16, go to […]

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New Michigan Law Creates Police-Operated Special Needs Database

  A new law, signed recently by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, addresses the need for law enforcement to quickly and accurately identify people with special needs. The idea that drove these bills is that in the event of a missing persons case, where the missing individual has special needs, police can identify them quickly and […]

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A New Bill Aims To Increase Juror Pay In Michigan

You know the feelingā€¦. You open that envelope and with a sinking feeling, you realize that you’ve been called for jury duty. While it may be inconvenient, and frustrating (and in some cases, downright disturbing) the truth of the matter is that jury duty is an important part of the American judicial system. It’s part […]

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New Senate Bill To outlaw Female Genital Mutilation in Michigan

A new bill introduced recently in the Michigan Senate aims to outlaw FGM or female genital mutilation. Although this may seem like a strange subject to outlaw in Michigan, where it is hardly a regular occurrence, the recent FGM-related arrests in the Detroit area have stirred up the subject. As a result, numerous legislators have […]

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