There are a whole slew of new laws on the books, which go into effect in 2018.
It’s a new year, Michigan! Happy 2018. A whole 365 days of possibility and potential just waiting to be claimed! Another chance to live life to the fullest, and seize the day. And,… let’s not forget, a time when several new laws go into effect. So from us to you – happy new laws, Michigan!
Many people don’t realize that when a bill has passed the Michigan House and Senate, and gets signed into law by the governor, it doesn’t always take effect right away. Most new pieces of legislation are signed into law, but have a delay period of several months before they become effective. This is partly to give the people and institutions who will be affected by the change an opportunity to get ready.
Many bills were signed into law in 2017, but not all of them became effective during that year. Several will become effective this year, in 2018. For those of you wondering what Michigan laws are going to become effective in the near future (and how they might impact your life), we’ve got a break down of just a few of them:
Senate Bill 223:
Inspired by a situation in 2017, where a deputy assaulted someone and then lied about the events that took place. A video recording of the assault revealed the deputy’s deceit, and cost him his job. However, the former deputy simply applied for an got a job in another law enforcement agency because the prior police agency didn’t include the assault in their records.
Starting on January 15, 2018, it will be required that all Michigan police departments keep detailed records of the reasons for termination of a law enforcement officer’s employment. Also, the agencies are required to share that information with anyone seeking to employ that former officer. The new law also protects police departments from being sued in a civil court for defamation as a result. This will ensure that “bad cops” don’t simply job-hop all over the state, putting people at risk. That has happened quite a few times in our state recently.
House Bill 4716:
Also inspired by events in 2017, specifically a story that took the nation by storm, HB 4716 aims to protect female children whose parents allow them to undergo genital mutilation procedures. Starting in March of 2018, any parent in Michigan who voluntarily subjects a daughter to any form of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) could lose their parental rights. There is also now a federal law prohibiting this conduct.
Senate Bill 352:
This bill goes into effect this month in January. It’s purpose is to protect athletes by making it a legal requirement that all high school athletic coaches receive brain concussion training. High school coaches in Michigan are now required to undergo concussion awareness training every three years. The training program will be regularly updated by the state with new information when doctors discover new details about concussions, and develop better ways to manage the effects.
House Bill 4547:
This bill didn’t change anything, but rather – aimed to keep things the same. Confused? This should help: In 2003 Michigan made .08 the legal alcohol limit for Michigan drivers. The law was given a 10-year sunset provision, which meant it would expire in 10 years. This bill did away with the October 1, 2018 sunset, and instead placed the end date on October 1st 2023, giving Michigan another five years of the .08 BAC limit.
Plus a whole lot more…
These are only a few of the new laws going into effect in Michigan this year. HB 4781 – 4782 defines exactly what counts as an “electric bicycle”, and legalizes their use on certain trails in the state. SB 0435 – 0438 spells out the new certification requirements for Michigan’s Problem-Solving Courts, and SB 0415 makes it a requirement that all gas pumps in Michigan be equipped with scanners to eliminate illegal “skimmer” devices.
So far, 2018 is shaping up to be an interesting year. If you’re curious about other laws passed in 2017 that will go into effect in 2018, check out this list. If are under investigation for, or have been charged with violating any Michigan law, call the experienced defense attorneys at The Kronzek Firm to discuss your unique situation. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays, at 866 766 5245. Our trusted criminal defense team has been helping people in the lower peninsula of Michigan for decades.