Comstock High School LaCrosse players will spend graduation day in jail after pleading guilty to illegal entry. Michigan juvenile defense 866-766-5245

Category Archives: Juvenile crime

Comstock High School Students Get Jail Sentences

Lacrosse Players Trashed Teacher’s House These seven Comstock Park high schoolers wouldn’t be the first teens to make dumb choices under the influence of alcohol. Nor would they be the first to vent their frustrations against a teacher in an immature and poorly-thought-out way. But perhaps courtesy of one judge’s refusal to let them walk […]

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Michigan Juvenile Justice System – Changes Ahead?

The National Governors Association has chosen four states to explore changes to the juvenile justice system. These states are Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee, and Arkansas. The purpose is to improve outcomes for children while increasing community safety in the process.

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Monroe Malicious Destruction of Property

Malicious Destruction Results in Arrests While most people use herbicide to rid their yards of those pesky weeds that pop up uninvited in their flower beds, one mother and daughter duo were recently arraigned on criminal charges for using weed killer for a different, and some say malicious, purpose. Julie A. Baumgartner, a 50-year-old resident […]

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Michigan “Youth Behind Bars”

Report Criticizes State Law A recent report on juveniles in prison criticizes the state of Michigan for “funneling children into Michigan’s adult prison system due to a series of harsh ‘tough on crime’ laws…” From 2003 through 2013, the Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency studied incarcerated youth who had been tried as adults; gathering […]

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Fowlerville Teacher Poisoning

No Charges Filed Against Student The 17-year-old Fowlerville student accused of poisoning his math teacher’s coffee with visine, will not be facing criminal charges. The decision was made following an investigation conducted by the Fowlerville police department and the Livingston County prosecutor’s office. Mary Aldecoa, the victim of the teacher poisoning, believes that she was […]

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Assault With Intent Charges in Michigan

Bay City Teen GetsĀ Ten Years in Prison 17-year-old Terrence L. Conklin, a teenager from Bay City, pled no contest in April to felony assault charges and as a result, is going to spend a decade in prison. On Monday, June 9th, Bay County Chief Circuit Judge Kenneth W. Schmidt sentenced Conklin to imprisonment for 20 […]

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Muskegon Mailbox Bombings

Three Teenagers Arrested & ChargedĀ  Three teenaged boys have been arrested and charged in connection with a series of mailbox bombings that occurred recently in Muskegon County, MI. Alec Arthur Curow, a 17-year-old resident of Muskegon, Jacob Tyler, an 18-year-old, and his 15-year-old brother Brendan Tyler, both of Whitehall, have been arrested and charged with […]

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