Category Archives: Defenses to Crimes
What Happens if You Get Arrested in Another State?
We live in Michigan. So if you get arrested here, and if the arrest pertains to a crime committed here in Michigan, you’re subject to Michigan’s laws. That’s what we here at The Kronzek Firm PLC spend every day practicing – defending people accused of committing crimes that violate Michigan’s criminal code. But what […]
[Read More]The Cops Tricked me Into Talking to Them! What Should I do Now? (Pt 2)
Welcome back to The Kronzek Firm blog. We opened this discussion last time by talking about the ways that cops have been trained to get information from people during an investigation. More directly, we’re talking about getting suspects to confess to a crime. As we mentioned in the previous article, there are at least […]
[Read More]The Cops Tricked me Into Talking to Them! What Should I do Now? (Pt 1)
Although cops in movies are often portrayed as bumbling morons, the truth is that most cops are pretty good at what they do. And when you think about it, what they do is primarily aimed at figuring out who did what to whom, and then gathering enough evidence to prove it. But that’s where […]
[Read More]What The Rising Exoneration Rate in Michigan Really Means!
On the list of U.S. states with the highest exoneration rate after wrongful conviction, Michigan comes in at number five. Which is appalling, if you live in the Great Lakes state and believe in ‘justice for all’. Because it means we’ve got it wrong so many times in the past, and that so many […]
[Read More]What it Really Means When a Cop Tells You You’ve Got The Right to an Attorney (Pt 3)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us for the wrap of this discussion about what your Miranda rights really mean. Have you ever stopped to think that there might be more to your rights than just knowing you’re allowed to stay silent and that you can have an attorney if you want one? Maybe […]
[Read More]What it Really Means When a Cop Tells You You’ve Got The Right to an Attorney (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this discussion on your 5th Amendment Miranda rights, and whether or not they’re as clear cut as you’ve always assumed. As we pointed out in the previous article, pretty much everyone knows what the Miranda rights are. (“You have the right to remain silent”… just like you’ve […]
[Read More]What it Really Means When a Cop Tells You You’ve Got The Right to an Attorney (Pt 1)
Chances are you’re already familiar with your Miranda rights (“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say… etc.) Even people who’ve never been arrested before in their lives have usually heard suspects being Mirandized after they’re arrested on TV or in movies. If you follow our blog on this site, then […]
[Read More]What Rights Do I Have When The Cops Arrest Me In Michigan? (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us again for this discussion about the rights you have during and after your arrest. We understand it’s a scary time for you, and you’re probably more focused on trying to get out of jail and back to your life. You may not have even thought about your […]
[Read More]What Rights Do I Have When The Cops Arrest Me In Michigan? (Pt 1)
Being arrested is an awful process! It’s scary and frustrating, and you often feel helpless. Being put in the back of a police car, stripped and searched, photographed and fingerprinted and made to wear that humiliating orange jumpsuit, all adds up to a wretched experience that no one enjoys or wants to repeat. However, […]
[Read More]Convicted of a Crime? Your Victims Now Have The Right to Confront You in Court!
A new piece of legislation in Michigan has been signed into law here in Michigan, which addresses the issue of victim impact statements. Up until now, while victims of crimes were allowed to make victim impact statements to the court, the convicted defendant has not been required to listen to their statement. (Unless being […]
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