Three MSU football players have been charged with sexual assault
Being accused of sexual assault has serious consequences, even before the trial and possible sentence is passed. In the case of the three former Spartan football players accused of sexually assaulting a woman at a party, they have been kicked off the football team, and also dismissed from the university. Even if the charges are later dismissed, or the young men win at trial, their lives have still been unalterably changed.
Defensive end Josh King, wide receiver Donnie Corley, and defensive back Demetric Vance have all been charged with sexual assault. King is facing the most serious charges, namely First Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct, and Capturing / Distributing an Image of an Unclothed Person. Corley and Vance are both charged with single counts of Third Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct in Lansing.
The incident that led to the charges is alleged to have taken place at a party at the University Villa Apartments in East Lansing, during the early morning hours of January 16, 2017. The alleged victim claims that she and King were talking when he suggested that they find somewhere quiet to continue their conversation. She says that they went into several rooms before finally finding a bathroom. There King supposedly attempted to have sex with her.
According to the statement provided to the Michigan State University Police by the alleged victim, she told King that she didn’t want to have sex, but he forced her to perform oral sex on him. She told him that she didn’t want to do anything else with him, but he allegedly pulled down her pants and forced her to have penetrative sex with him.
At this point, according to the victim, King’s two friends Corley and Vance entered the bathroom. The victim says that the pair forced her to perform oral sex on them as well. At that point she collapsed on the bathroom floor and the three men left the room immediately. The victim reported the event to the MSU Police and arrest warrants were issued for the arrest of King, Corley and Vance by the Ingham County Prosecuting Attorney.
King’s cell phone was seized by police, and incriminating text conversations were discovered which implicated him and the other two men as well. In addition, it was later discovered that King had recorded the entire incident on his phone. The victim told police that she had no idea about the recording.
According to police, King initially denied having any contact with the victim, but when police showed him pictures of her he agreed that he had engaged in sexual contact with her at a party. Corley and Vance were also questioned by police, and denied having any contact with the victim. However, later they both changed their stories and admitted receiving oral sex from the victim. Now all three have insisted that the sexual contact was consensual.
Sexual assault charges are taken very seriously in Michigan, and can have very dire consequences. As you see here, a person doesn’t even have to be convicted in order to be punished. If you or a loved one have been accused of a sex crime in Michigan, you are going to need a highly skilled attorney on your side. One that has decades of experience defending people against sex crime charges. You need The Kronzek Firm. So call 866 766 5246 to speak with an experienced sex crime defense attorney today.