Category Archives: Uncategorized
Will Charges Against Michigan House Rep Charged With Bribery & Extortion be Dismissed?
Nothing seems to inflame the masses more than the fall of the high and mighty. When regular folks break the law or make mistakes, people just shake their heads. But when cops, priests, and politicians break the law it’s amazing how quickly people take up arms against them. Suddenly every move they make is scrutinized, […]
[Read More]My Ex Lied About Me, But I’m Not a Stalker! (Pt 2)
Hi there and welcome back. We’ve been talking about the challenges involved in being falsely accused of stalking someone here in Michigan. As we mentioned in the previous article, being lied about sucks! But you can’t take the law into your own hands – you absolutely have to get help from an experienced Michigan attorney […]
[Read More]The Cops Messed With my Mind And Made me Confess to Something I Didn’t do! (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this very important subject. If you’re just finding us now we recommend you spend a minute getting caught up here to avoid confusion. Don’t worry, we’ll wait… And now that we’re all on the same page, let’s jump back in where we left off, discussing the erroneous […]
[Read More]The Cops Messed With my Mind And Made Me Confess to Something I Didn’t do! (Pt 1)
Nobody confesses to crimes they didn’t do, right? After all, who would ever admit guilt to something they never did? It seems preposterous to most people. And yet it’s actually a major issue that puts thousands of innocent people behind bars every year. Don’t believe us? Be prepared to have your mind blown as we […]
[Read More]Is it Jury Tampering to Inform a Jury of Their Rights in Michigan? (Pt 2)
Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this continuing discussion on jury tampering in Michigan. We’ve been discussing an interesting case that’s been dragging on for several years now, in which a man who tried to inform jury members of their rights before a scheduled trial was later accused of jury tampering. Although the […]
[Read More]Is it Jury Tampering to Inform a Jury of Their Rights in Michigan? (Pt 1)
This is, believe it or not, a rather complex question with more at stake than you’d realize. In fact, a recent case that the Michigan Court of Appeals decided does a great job of making it clear just how “muddy” the waters can get when you’re dealing with jury rights, and jury tampering here in […]
[Read More]Are Reserve Officers Really Cops in Michigan? (Pt 2)
Welcome back to this discussion on reserve officers in Michigan, and why this should be a more controversial subject than it is! As we mentioned in the previous article, a recent investigation conducted by the Detroit Free Press revealed that there are more than 3,000 civilian officers, untrained and unsupervised, working all over the state […]
[Read More]Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from The Kronzek Firm! We hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful day this Thanksgiving! As a firm we are very grateful for our clients and community. Please remember, statistics show that domestic violence encounters and drunk driving accidents both increase during the holidays. Be aware of yours, […]
[Read More]Happy Holidays from The Kronzek Firm!
Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or some other holiday you’re celebrating – whatever you’re happy or merry about, we’re happy and merry with you! Remember, if you or a loved one need help over the holidays, we’re here, 24/7, ready and available to assist you whenever you need it. Wishing you happy holidays, and a […]
[Read More]The Kronzek Firm has won an AIOCLA Award for being a Top 10 Criminal Law Firm
PRESS RELEASE The Kronzek Firm Has Been Nominated and Accepted as a Two Years AIOCLA’S 10 Best Law Firm in Michigan For Client Satisfaction The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys has recognized the exceptional performance of Michigan’s Criminal Law Firm, The Kronzek Firm as Two Years 10 Best Criminal Law Firm for Client Satisfaction. […]
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