Category Archives: Drug Crimes
Does CBD Oil Show up in Your Drug Tests? (Pt 2)
Hi there, thanks for joining us again for this talk on legalized marijuana in Michigan, and whether or not using CBD oil can cause you to fail a drug test and end up in trouble with the court. As we explained in the previous article (where we left you with something of a cliff-hanger – […]
[Read More]Does CBD Oil Show up in Your Drug Tests? (Pt 1)
Now that recreational weed is legal in Michigan, the sky’s the limit for people who want to get high without fearing that dreaded cop-knock on their door. (Keep in mind that marijuana is still not legal under the federal law.) Or so it seems. Because while it may be legal to smoke pot and use […]
[Read More]How Legalizing Marijuana Could Affect Michigan in The Future!
Legalizing recreational marijuana was a bold move for Michigan voters late last year, making us only one in ten states across the US to take this controversial step. But what does that mean for Michigan’s future? Will legalizing the recreational use of weed for adults have a positive impact on the Great Lakes state in […]
[Read More]Michigan’s Next Step Toward Solving The Opioid Crisis!
It has been several years since Michigan’s legislators and law enforcement officials realized that Michigan has a problem. Think “drug abuse”, and most people think heroin, or cocaine, or even meth. What they don’t tend to think about is prescription drug abuse. We’re talking about legal medications designed to help people heal and manage pain. […]
[Read More]Does The Legalization of Recreational Pot in Canada Change Anything For Michigan?
Although Michigan residents are set to solve this issue for themselves here in just a few days, the issue of marijuana becoming legal in Canada has raised some questions here in Michigan. Does the legalization of pot by our northern neighbors affect the Great Lakes State in any way? What about the border? Can […]
[Read More]Even Fake Drugs Can Get You Prison Time in Michigan!
Pretty much everyone knows that selling illegal drugs will, if you’re caught, earn you a one way ticket to prison. Get busted selling cocaine or heroin, or even medical marijuana without a state-issued caregiver card, and you’re toast. But did you know you can also get into trouble for selling fake drugs? That’s right, […]
[Read More]Will I Face Criminal Charges If I Take My Overdosing Friend To Hospital?
Imagine this… You’re at a party with a group of friends. You’re all drinking, hanging out, and laughing about something ridiculous. And then the bong comes out. Everyone smokes a little weed, and you join in. And now someone’s handing out pills. What are they? “Oh, something that’ll make you feel amazing!” So you […]
[Read More]What Michigan is Doing to Fight Our Opioid Crisis
Every year in the United States, about 80 deaths are reported as a result of tornadoes. About 17 people are killed by hurricanes, and lightning causes an average of 55 fatalities annually. But when it comes to opioid abuse, the numbers are staggering. No less than 42,000 people lose their lives every year to […]
[Read More]Legalizing Marijuana in Michigan Will be on The November Ballot
Some people were sad to hear that the Michigan State legislature chose not to vote on legalizing recreational marijuana recently. But not the pro-pot movement. Odd as that may sound, many people and coalitions that are in favor of legalizing recreational marijuana in the Great Lakes State were actually glad the issue didn’t get addressed […]
[Read More]Michigan’s New Opioid Laws, And How They Could Affect You!
At the end of 2017, a 10 bill package was signed into law aimed at addressing Michigan’s growing opioid addiction problem. Our new opiod drug laws took effect just days ago on June 1, 2018. They change the way doctors here in Michigan can prescribe pain medication to patients. Curious about what the new […]
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