Dana Nessel, Michigan’s new attorney general, has launched a Conviction Integrity Unit within her office’s Criminal Appellate Division that aims to investigate credible claims of innocence that could result in overturned convictions. A.G. Nessel has assigned criminal defense attorney Robyn B. Frankel to head up the unit, which she says was inspired by Wayne County’s Integrity Unit that was founded by Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy, and run by Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Valerie Newman in Detroit.
Why does Michigan need a Conviction Integrity Unit?
According to the National Registry of Exonerations, the number of overturned convictions has been on the rise in Michigan for years. In 2003 there were only three exonerations. Since then, however, 72 people have been exonerated, with 14 of those happening last year alone – a record number in one year for Michigan. So as you can see, the number of people falsely imprisoned in Michigan is cause for concern. The criminal defense team at The Kronzek Firm has seen that first hand for sure.
It is part of our duty as a state, says the Attorney General.
“We have a duty to ensure those convicted of state crimes by prosecutors and our office are in fact guilty of those crimes.” Nessel explained in a press release. “By establishing this unit, we will work to make certain those ethical and legal obligations are met while providing justice to those wrongfully imprisoned and keeping dangerous offenders out of Michigan communities.”
What will the Conviction Integrity Unit do?
Once the Conviction Integrity Unit determines a case is viable (meaning there are questions about the evidence, the testimony, or the way the trial was conducted), they will conduct their own investigation. They will re-interview witnesses, reexamine the evidence using the most up-to-date forensic scientific methods available, and try to determine if there’s substantial evidence that the convicted person is actually innocent. Once that determination is made, Attorney General Nessel will make a request to the court either to vacate the conviction or for other appropriate relief.
Make sure you don’t go to prison for a crime you didn’t commit!
That may sound like the most obvious statement in the world, but believe it or not, you do have some degree of control over your destiny when you get charged with a crime. Things like how and when you interact with police, and who you choose to represent you, can make all the difference in the world. Especially when it comes to fighting false allegations. An inexperienced attorney, or one who isn’t invested in your personal victory, can mean a wrongful conviction in the end.
Your defense starts with you!
It’s beyond question that there are many people living in prison cells today that did nothing wrong. But the battle for your freedom begins with you being proactive with your defense. You’ve heard it before and you know the drill. In case you’ve forgotten, here it is again.
- Shut up. Lawyer Up. Do not have any conversations with the police other than providing your name, address and date of birth.
- Don’t consent to any searches by the police unless they have a warrant.
- Understand that all lawyers are not alike. Nobody can force you to accept a court appointed lawyer. You have every right to hire the best, most aggressive attorney you can afford. When you are involved with the police or courts is not a time to be frugal.
Hire the right attorney if you want the right results!
If you are unfortunate enough to have been investigated or accused of a crime in Michigan, you have a major battle ahead You’re going to need help from some of the best criminal defense attorneys around. Call The Kronzek Firm PLC at 1 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail) today and speak to one of our top rated criminal defense attorneys. Our warriors have been successfully helping people here in Michigan defend themselves and their families against false allegations for decades. We can help you too!