MI Murder Charges – West Michigan Father Suspected in Death of Infant Son

Being accused of any criminal charge can change your life permanently. However, being held accountable for the personal injury or death of a loved one is among the most disappointing violations to be accused of. Each day, aggressive Michigan criminal defense lawyers represent clients accused of abusing, assaulting, or murdering a spouse or child. Seen in the news recently is a similar incident, as a West Michigan father arrested by police officers after being charged with the murder and abuse of his infant son.

According to Battle Creek law enforcement officials, Shawn Brown, 25, was babysitting his five month old son, Shawn Junior when the alleged incident occurred on January 22nd, 2010. Relatives of the infant noticed that he was bleeding from his nose and mouth, and proceeded to take him to Bronson Methodist Hospital.Young Shawn Junior died on January 24th, and his father was consequently accused of Michigan child abuse charges.

There was direct evidence of shaken baby syndrome

However, the allegations against Brown became instantly intensified after medical examiners completed an autopsy. According to Calhoun County Assistant Prosecutor Daniel Buscher, there was direct evidence of shaken baby syndrome. “The results of the autopsy indicate severe and multiple injuries which are consistent with abusive head trauma,” he explained. As a result of the autopsy findings, a judge also charged Brown with Michigan first degree murder. Although he has been in jail for the past 12 weeks, Friday’s decision will keep Browns behind bars without bond awaiting his next court hearing.

Being accused of murder charges in the State of Michigan will have irreversible and life-changing consequences. Conviction will without a doubt result in the loss of personal freedoms and liberties, including requiring significant jail time. For the best defense, it is essential to seek the help of experienced and hard-working Michigan homicide lawyers immediately. Acting quickly will provide the highest quality legal advice and legal representation.

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