Lawyers to Help You Weed Through This
In 2018, Michigan voters determined that marijuana would be legalized recreationally in our state. When this was done, Michigan joined the now ten states and Washington DC that have legalized the recreational use of marijuana, although it is still illegal under the federal law. Marijuana is completely illegal in many states, while some allow it only for medical purposes.

Marijuana Law in Michigan
With the passage of the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act, Michigan residents now have the legal right to use, possess, and grow marijuana. The retail sale of weed is highly regulated.
If you are giving marijuana as a gift to someone, you do not need to have a license. However, a license is required when selling any amount. There are many different license types available depending on what is done at your operation.
Property owners are now allowed to decide whether they will allow marijuana use on their property, however, landlords may not prohibit a tenant from consuming marijuana by means other than smoking.

Limitations On Use Of Recreational Marijuana in Michigan
While now legal, there are still many rules to follow regarding recreational marijuana. You are not able to use weed in any public place unless a municipality has a designated space where consumption is allowed. Public spaces include streets, parks, parking lots, and vehicles that are traveling to or parked in those locations.
You must be 21 or older to possess, purchase, or use marijuana and that can be in the amount of 2.5 ounces or less. Of that, no more than 15 grams can be in the form of concentrate. There can be no more than 10 ounces possessed or stored in a residence. A person over 21 can also grow up to 12 plants for personal use here in Michigan. The plants should also be obstructed from the public view.
Just like with alcohol, it is illegal to sell to or buy marijuana for anyone under 21. You also can’t possess or use marijuana on school grounds, or any place under federal jurisdiction. You also cannot possess weed on most trial property, including gambling casinos.
If you are found to have more than the maximum amounts permitted by the law, you can face penalties for a drug crime. For personal use, this can range from a civil infraction to a misdemeanor. The sale or distribution of higher amounts of pot than is legally allowed can even lead to a felony. It is important to be aware of what you can legally do under the new law so you don’t face any penalties. You will need an aggressive drug crime attorney on your side if you are faced with any of these charges. Our criminal defense team has been fighting for our clients since the last century. We can be reached 24 / 7 by calling 866 7NoJail. (866-766-52454)

Drugged Driving is Illegal in Michigan!
Just like drunk driving, driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal. This is called drugged driving, and it can come with harsh penalties. You cannot be smoking or be high while operating or being in physical control of a motor vehicle, ORV, RV, aircraft, snowmobile, or motor boat.
Unlike alcohol, there is no maximum limit on marijuana that is allowed while driving. Michigan has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to being under the influence of marijuana while driving. There is no test like a breathalyzer to use to determine the level of THC in your system, and the level is not always an indicator of how impaired you are. Needless to say, driving under the influence of weed is much more difficult to detect. Officers will usually base impaired driving on observations.

You Could Still Lose Your Job for Using Marijuana
This is an important one to note. Although recreational marijuana is legal, employers are still allowed to prohibit marijuana use and possession. Some employers have changed their policies based on the new law, but many have not. A workplace zero-tolerance drug policy is still in effect, and you can be fired for violating it. As more precise testing becomes available, we may see more employers allowing for the use of recreational marijuana outside of work. However, under this new law, a person can’t be denied custody or visitation with a minor for conduct that is now legal. Of course, there are always limitations, such as if the person’s behavior creates an unreasonable danger to the minor.
In Trouble With Marijuana? We Can Help!
Even with recreational use of marijuana being legal, as we have outlined above, there are many ways to be in violation of the law. If you find yourself involved in any drug crime or drugged driving, The Kronzek Firm is here to help. Navigating these new laws can be tricky. You will need a lawyer who is both experienced with the existing laws in Michigan, and also up-to-date on the constant changes. Call us today at 866-766-5245 for a consultation! We’re available for a crisis intervention 24/7 by calling 866 7NoJail.