Michigan gun laws are about to change. But how? Read on to find out…
Gun laws are one of those controversial subjects endlessly being debated here in Michigan. Does safety trump second amendment rights? What’s more important – a person’s right to bear arms, or a community’s right to be free from weapons. Are guns used more for crime, or for protection? These questions aren’t likely to go away anytime soon, and our legislature is constantly readdressing the issue of gun safety. So what are the most recent changes and proposed changes? We break it down for you in this three part series.
Allowing concealed guns to be carried without a permit:
The is legislation currently pending that would change Michigan’s concealed carry permit laws. Under the new law, legal gun owners could carry a concealed gun without needing a permit. We wrote about this possible change to state gun laws last month, and explained what the possible changes would mean.
Under this potential law, Michigan residents would no longer be required to register their handguns with the state. For those people who are already registered, this bill would allow them to request that the Michigan State Police remove their names and information from the state registry. In addition, this bill would eliminate the $250 fine that state law currently assigns to everyone who fails to register a handgun. This new proposed law would not allow people that are prohibited from carrying to now start carrying a weapon.
Banning civilians from carrying guns in police stations:
In early February of this year, two men walked into a police station in Dearborn, Michigan with guns. Although the officers on site were able to handle the situation, not every similar instance is so easily dealt with. This legislation, introduced to the House of Representatives would ban a person from carrying a gun into a police station with a posted sign banning firearms, unless they were there to relinquish it to an officer.
Criminalizing guns left where minors can access them easily:
This bill, which was introduced by the Senate, would make it illegal for a gun owner to store a gun in such a way that it is accessible to a minor. Under this potential law, a gun owner would be required to lock the firearm, keep it in a locked container, or store it in a location that a reasonable person would believe was secure. Failure to do so could result in criminal charges, depending on how the gun was used by a minor or unauthorized person.
As the Michigan State Police website reminds us, “Firearm ownership carries with it a responsibility of safeguarding the welfare of others and you when handling firearms. Accident prevention is the user’s responsibility.” The MSP recommends using a gun case or locked cabinet to keep unsupervised children and intruders from finding and using a homeowner’s guns.
Join us next time as we continue this discussion about potential changes to Michigan’s gun laws coming down the pipeline. Until then, if you or one of your loved ones has been accused of any kind of weapon-related crime, contact The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 immediately. Our experienced trial attorneys have defended countless people accused of murder, assault with a weapon, armed robbery, and many other crimes. We can help you too.