Category Archives: Miranda

You Have the Right to Remain Silent. Sometimes.

Clients often ask our criminal defense attorneys if their criminal charges can be dismissed due to the police’s failure to inform them of their right to silence upon arrest. We all hear about Miranda rights on television, right? This Fifth Amendment right in the U.S. Constitution safeguards individuals from self-incrimination. It applies to all criminal […]

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What it Really Means When a Cop Tells You You’ve Got The Right to an Attorney (Pt 3)

  Welcome back and thanks for joining us for the wrap of this discussion about what your Miranda rights really mean. Have you ever stopped to think that there might be more to your rights than just knowing you’re allowed to stay silent and that you can have an attorney if you want one? Maybe […]

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What it Really Means When a Cop Tells You You’ve Got The Right to an Attorney (Pt 2)

Welcome back and thanks for joining us for this discussion on your 5th Amendment Miranda rights, and whether or not they’re as clear cut as you’ve always assumed. As we pointed out in the previous article, pretty much everyone knows what the Miranda rights are. (“You have the right to remain silent”… just like you’ve […]

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What it Really Means When a Cop Tells You You’ve Got The Right to an Attorney (Pt 1)

  Chances are you’re already familiar with your Miranda rights (“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say… etc.) Even people who’ve never been arrested before in their lives have usually heard suspects being Mirandized after they’re arrested on TV or in movies.   If you follow our blog on this site, then […]

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What Rights Do I Have When The Cops Arrest Me In Michigan? (Pt 1)

  Being arrested is an awful process! It’s scary and frustrating, and you often feel helpless. Being put in the back of a police car, stripped and searched, photographed and fingerprinted and made to wear that humiliating orange jumpsuit, all adds up to a wretched experience that no one enjoys or wants to repeat. However, […]

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I Have A Warrant Out For my Arrest in Michigan? (Part 1)

Wondering if there’s a warrant out for your arrest is something that many of us Michigan residents have worried about at one time or another. It isn’t a good feeling, and it can add a lot of stress to life’s daily activities. Added to that is the confusion that comes from not really understanding how […]

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Did You Know There are Exceptions to Your Miranda Rights?

  Most people know what their Miranda rights are. “You have the right to remain silent; Anything you say can and will be used against you…” you get the picture. You’ve probably heard it a million times on tv cop shows and in movies. But did you know that there’s an exception to the Miranda […]

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