Cutting Edge Crime Scene Tech? Or ‘Junk Science’? (Part 1)

forensic technician

Certain sciences are completely foolproof, but others – like certain forensics – can be questionable!


Back in Sherlock’s days, if a detective wanted to solve a crime, he had to figure it out on his own. Crime scene technology has come a loooong way in the last century though, and with every new development, someone figures out a way to utilize this tool to solve crimes. But are these methods as foolproof as they seem? Are they as reliable as we’d hope? And can you guarantee that the results won’t accuse innocents along the way? Maybe not. So the question is, it is real science, or ‘junk science’?


As we mentioned in one of our 2017 articles, ‘junk science’ is listed by the Innocence Clinic as one of the main reasons behind false convictions. Which means that thousands of people have been sent to prison based on bogus scientific theories, and the use of pseudoscientific tech. So what are these questionable techniques and tools? Oh, just your everyday crime scene forensicsā€¦.


Brain Fingerprinting:


Brain fingerprinting is a highly controversial crime scene tool. This technique measures the human brain’s response to certain stimulation, specifically, words and pictures that are flashed on a computer screen in front of the viewer. The images used by the investigators usually fit into three categories:

  • Items that are completely unrelated to the case (this would include everyday items like a cat or fish or tube of lipstick)
  • Items that are tangentially related to the case (which means they are loosely or indirectly associated with it)
  • And items that are directly related to the case (perhaps the knife used in a murder, or the gun used in an armed robbery)


The test is not meant to prove guilt or innocence, rather to prove whether or not the test subject has information stored in their brain related to the case that they are unwilling or unable to share. How controversial is this technique? Very, however unlike lie detector results, which are not admissible in court, brain fingerprinting results are! But there are a lot of arguments about whether or not this technique generates accurate results! The criminal defense team at The Kronzek Firm is not aware of any Michigan cases where this technology has played a part.


3D Forensic Facial Reconstruction:


This process involves the reconstruction of a human face using only a skull, a series of muscle depth markers, and a lot of artistic license on the part of the forensic artist. Or, in more modern settings, access to 3D facial reconstruction software and a degree in the Forensic Sciences. This technology allows an anthropologist or scientist to recreate what a person’s face most likely looked like from their skull.


This technology is most commonly used to help identify the remains of people discovered long after their death, where facial recognition, fingerprinting and dental x-rays aren’t available. However, it isn’t considered to be one of the most reliable technologies, as it requires a lot of extrapolation and guess-work.


Don’t get falsely accused based on junk science!


Join us next time, when we’ll be looking at bite-mark evidence, fingerprinting, and other questionable forms of modern forensics. Until then, we want to take this opportunity to remind you that the best way to avoid being wrongfully convicted of a crime is to hire the best criminal defense attorney available to you! And by ‘best’ we mean experienced, trusted, educated, aggressive, and with access to some of the best expert witnesses in the field that can help debunk junk science in the courtroom!


If you or a loved one have been accused of a crime in Michigan, and you want to ensure that you have the best chances of beating false accusations, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. ( 1 866- 7NoJail) Our highly skilled criminal defense attorneys are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you untangle your legal dilemmas, and to defend your rights during this difficult time. You can’t do this alone. We are here to help. Weā€™ve been defending people in Michigan for almost a quarter century.


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