Hey there and welcome back – we’re glad you could join us here at The Kronzek Firm for this discussion on why a habitual offender continues to commit crimes, and what can be done to reduce that in the future. Here in Michigan we actually have some great court systems set up specifically to reduce recidivism – specifically our veteran courts, sobriety courts, and mental health courts. But those are only the tip of the iceberg.
In order to really address the issue of people who habitually reoffend, we have to look at all sides of the issue. In the previous article, we discussed some of the more common reasons why people become habitual offenders. However, now we’d like to focus on potential solutions. So let’s take a look at some of the ideas people have come up with to solve these problems…
Solutions to help keep a habitual offender from reoffending:
- The solution to a criminal history:
One of the ways that’s been suggested to solve the issue of a criminal history holding someone back from viable employment, is to get rid of their criminal history. And how could you do that, you wonder? Through expungement. Having a criminal record expunged (which means to have your record erased by the court) has been proven effective at removing barriers to viable employment for people with a prior criminal history. Especially here in Michigan. (If you’d like to read more about that – we did a really interesting blog article on a recent study about this). Having more and better job options might reduce the chances that a person becomes a habitual offender.
- The solution to being exposed to other criminals:
It’s no secret that jails and prisons don’t actually solve problems, and they certainly don’t address the issue of recidivism. So what could we do here in Michigan to keep people convicted of crimes from networking with other convicted criminals? One solution suggested has been to eliminate time served behind bars (at least for non-violent and non-felony crimes) and replace it with other forms of sentencing. Proposed suggestions for alternative solutions include probation, community service, court-ordered classes (or other learning opportunities), and court-ordered therapy or counseling. This way, people convicted of crimes aren’t all cooped up together, with nothing to do except exchange unhelpful information and increase the chances that one of them will become a habitual offender.
- The solution to addressing mental health issues behind bars:
One of the great things about alternative court systems, like Michigan’s mental health and sobriety courts, is that they require all defendants to participate in some form of therapy. Whether that’s group counseling or individual counseling, defendants have the opportunity to address some of their underlying issues in life and get the help they need to overcome life’s challenges. But for people in jail or prison, those privileges simply aren’t available. One suggestion has been to make funding available to offer counseling and therapy to incarcerated individuals so that they can be diagnosed, receive support, and even get the meds they need to address mental health problems while behind bars.
Getting a great attorney is one of the best ways to avoid conviction!
As we’ve mentioned many times before, one of the best ways to avoid all the drama, negativity and ruined opportunities that follow a conviction, is to avoid the conviction itself. And how do you do that? By getting a really good attorney who can help you build a strong defense and provide great resources to help protect your rights. With our help, you can fight to defend yourself and your future, and reduce your chances of ending up with habitual offender status. Call 866 766 5245 today to talk to an aggressive and hard-working criminal defense lawyer at The Kronzek Firm. We’re available 24/7 to help you through your legal crisis and get you back on the right road.