Although the weather is still pretty darn cold outside, the calendar says we’re hovering on Spring’s doorstep. Yes, it’s that time of year again – the season of March madness, Irish drinking songs and that most revered of college break periods. You guessed it…. the NCAA, St Patrick’s day, and spring break, all rolled into one long party. And sure, we’re already well into it, but it’s not over yet…
It’s not all about the party…
While many people associate the time between mid- March and early April with beer, laughter, fun, and friends, what they often forget to include in that list is the issue of drunk driving. The cops in Michigan though, most certainly haven’t forgotten! In fact, it’s often one of their busiest periods, with stepped up patrols, drunk driving awareness campaigns, and increased sobriety checkpoints.
What are the cops doing about it this year?
As is always the case around this time of year, police agencies across the Great Lakes State come together to conduct statewide drunk driving crackdowns. Operation C.A.R.E., which began in 1977, and is one of the nation’s longest-running traffic safety initiatives only covers St. Patrick’s day (so it’s already over). However, the Michigan State Police website notes that stepped-up patrols will continue throughout the state of Michigan until early April. And you can bet there will be lots of drunk driving arrests.
What can you do to avoid a DUI during March Madness?
Whether you’re going out with friends, getting together at a buddy’s house to watch the games, or attending a spring break party, you have loads of options for staying safe and out of jail! Here are a few of the most common options people choose:
- Select a responsible ‘designated driver’ who you know will stay sober, no matter what
- Use a ride sharing app like Uber or Lyft to take you home
- Arrange for a friend to come and pick you up when you call, so that you have a safe ride home whenever you’re ready to call it quits,
- Plan to sleepover at your friend’s home, so that you don’t have to drive home after the party.
Also, remember that drunk driving isn’t the only hot ticket item that cops will be on the lookout for during this time. Also on the list is drugged driving, and driving without a seatbelt! So buckle up and stay sober!
What happens if you already screwed up and got arrested?
If you’ve already misjudged your own abilities, or had one too many while out with friends, don’t give up hope. The Kronzek Firm’s aggressive criminal defense attorneys have successfully handled countless drunk and drugged driving cases over the decades. Our highly respected DUI defense attorneys can help you navigate this difficult period, and achieve the best outcome in your case. Just call 866 766 5245 to discuss your situation with someone who can help. We’re available 24 /7, including weekends and holidays. Please stay safe!