Chuck Kronzek
Chuck Kronzek hasn’t always been the highly respected and sought after defense attorney he is now. At one point, decades ago, Chuck was a police officer. And a property investor. And even a songwriter (we bet you would never have guessed that last one!)
But whatever he was doing at the time, he was doing it well. Because that’s pretty much Chuck’s motto in life – if you’re going to do something, do it best.
But work ethic aside, Chuck is also unflappable. Nothing fazes him. This is part of why he’s such a good attorney; nothing fazes him and little gets under his skin. This is a very useful character trait to have when fighting for his clients in a courtroom. (He is also a renowned prankster, but has made it a point to keep that fine skill out of his legal work, which most of his clients are very grateful for.)
Chuck was 5 years old when he decided he wanted to be an attorney, and though he got sidetracked several times, it is a goal he never stopped pursuing. And we’re all pretty lucky that he did, because he’s ridiculously good at it, and his negotiating skills would likely have been wasted if he had chosen any other line of work.
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Chuck likes to get out and about. He may the first one through the doors in the morning and the last one to leave at night, but he does occasionally take time to travel with his family. He has helicoptered to the top of a glacier in Alaska, and been to see the Wailing Wall in Israel. But home is where the heart is, and Chuck’s heart lies in Michigan.
After all, it’s where he chose to get his law degree and begin a law firm. Starting a business may sound daunting to some, but to Chuck, it’s second nature. He’s started numerous businesses in his life, all of them successful. But his greatest passion is the law (beside his family, of course!) and he pursues it with the vigor and devotion found only in the most committed attorneys
And it’s when you get him talking about the law, that he really comes alive. “There are a lot of cliches about being the best and I’ve heard them all” he’ll tell you, “But that aside, I want to be the kind of attorney that I would hire.” Given his ridiculously high standards, that’s saying something.
In the words of Zig Ziglar, “There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.” And Chuck has done exactly that. One step at a time, he’s built The Kronzek Firm into a powerful and well-respected company, made up of dedicated and devoted attorneys striving for nothing short of the best for every client.
But he’s not resting on his laurels. Nope, Chuck is still hard at work being the best attorney he can be, and fighting the good fight on behalf of those who can’t. It’s what he does best. And he shows no signs of stopping any time soon.