Welcome back and thanks for joining us here at The Kronzek Firm for this ongoing discussion about what to do if you’ve been arrested for domestic assault. As you know from our previous blog post, domestic violence is taken very seriously here in Michigan, so it’s critical that you handle this the right way. Whether you live in Ingham County, Isabella County or in Jackson County, there are very specific things you should do, and equally important things you shouldn’t do.

As we mentioned last time, you absolutely must NOT try to tell the cops your side of the story, and you need to be prepared to be completely cut off from your partner. That’s right – no contact of any kind. And violating that bond condition will only make things much worse for you.
So if you’re able to post bail and get out of jail, make sure you do everything in your power to follow that no-contact court order! Picking up where we left off last time, we’re going to jump right back in with number 3 on our list of things you need to do ASAP after your arrest.
If you’re ever arrested for domestic assault in Michigan…
Fight to protect your parental rights!
Being forced to move out of your home and losing access to your belongings is only part of the possible problems for people accused of domestic violence. In most cases, those couples have children in common, which sometimes means losing access to your kids as well. Although being accused of domestic assault doesn’t usually mean you lose your parental rights, custody rights, or visitation rights, it certainly can have a negative impact on all of those things.
Your spouse or partner can use the charges against you to claim that you’re a violent and untrustworthy parent. If they can get the family court to agree, they can petition for sole custody of your children, which certainly works in their favor from a child support standpoint. We have handled multiple cases in Lansing, Battle Creek, Clinton County and Gratiot County where people made allegations of domestic violence in the hopes of influencing custody modifications in their favor. Talk to your attorney about how to protect your parenting rights!
Stay informed and up to date about your case and your rights
It’s easy to get overwhelmed and “check out” when someone you love has accused you of violence. Being ordered to stay away from your home and your spouse or children makes it even worse. But it’s very important that you stay informed, engaged, and up-to-date when it comes to your case. Talk to your attorney about your rights and all the options available to you. Ask questions about what’s going on, when your court dates are, and what your attorney recommends. Make a point of staying as informed as possible. Hire an attorney with extensive experience defending domestic violence charges as well as fighting custody cases.
Every case is different, and every criminal charge comes with multiple options for how it can be handled – some good, some bad. Ask about the legal consequences you may face. Some outcomes of a domestic violence sentence can affect your future job opportunities, your custody agreements, and your personal freedom. Are you likely to end up in jail? What would probation mean for you? These are all questions you need to ask, and be sure to get good answers that you understand. Having the right attorney can be critical to the outcome of your case.
Having an experienced attorney can make all the difference!
Having an experienced domestic assault defense attorney on your side can make a huge difference to the way your domestic violence case is handled, and that can affect the outcome. Here at The Kronzek Firm, our highly skilled trial team has been helping people from all over Michigan’s lower peninsula to fight domestic assault charges for decades. Whether you live in Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor or East Lansing, we can help you.
If you or a loved one have been accused of harming or threatening your partner or spouse, call 866 766 5245 today to set up your free phone or Zoom consultation. We have considerable experience successfully handling domestic assault cases, and have a track record of being aggressive and determined in defense of our clients. Don’t leave your future in the hands of someone weak or inexperienced. Call us today for help.