A Flint woman used charitable poker games at Pocket Aces in Flint to raise money for Flint kids.
Embezzlement is not a crime people are usually willing to overlook. Taking money that belongs to other people, unless the situation is desperate, tends to elicit anger in others. However, this general lack of compassion is nothing compared to situations where the stolen money was intended for charity. That’s why Diane Stephens is facing an uphill battle in Genesee County court.
According to Attorney General Bill Schuette, Stephens has been charged with six felony embezzlement charges. The allegations against her are that she stole thousands of dollars that she had claimed were being collected on behalf of the children of Flint.
However, what complicates this case is the fact that the original charges against her were brought in 2016. However court documents allege that she appeared in Genesee County Court to respond to those charges and attempted to obstruct justice by providing the court with falsified documents, hoping to prove her innocence.
Stephens charity, named Community Kids Martial Arts Science, was a licensed non-profit that claimed to offer tutoring, after school and summer care, and international trips for children. However, it was later determined that the state had revoked the non-profit license of Stephens’ organization, and that she used money raised at charitable events to pay business bills and also for personal profit.
The initial charges were filed in Flint, MI after an investigation by the attorney general and the Michigan Gaming Board. The claims of criminal activity are based on claims that Stephens raised money through poker games that she hosted at Pocket Aces in Flint. The funds raised at these games were said to be earmarked for the children of Flint, but Stephens is accused of stealing the nearly $20,000 of profit and using it for her own personal gain.
In a statement released by A.G. Schuette, he said “This woman claimed she wanted to help Flint kids, but instead it appears she used her charity as a front to bolster herself personally.” He went on to state that this kind of behavior “cannot be tolerated!” He also claimed that “instead of facing up to her alleged actions, Ms. Stephens allegedly continued to try and shirk the law.” In the city of Flint, Schuette said, which has already suffered so much, this should be taken very seriously.
In addition to the three felony counts of Embezzlement From a Nonprofit or Charitable Organization, and three counts of Embezzlement – Agent or Trustee, she is also accused of falsifying evidence. As a result, she is charged in Genesee County with a single count of Obstruction of Justice. If convicted on all seven counts, Stephens is looking at a very long time in prison and some very hefty fines.
As we said earlier, embezzlement is not taken lightly by the state or by the average jury member. This is why, if you or a loved one are accused of embezzling funds or any other felony theft crime in Michigan, you will need a highly skilled defense attorney with years of experience defending against allegations of financial and fraud crimes. Call us today at 866-766-5245 to discuss your case. We can help.