At The Kronzek Firm, we hear from many people who have been charged with drug crimes. Common charges include Marijuana possession and Marijuana manufacture and delivery. However, a new trend in Michigan is synthetic cannabis. This is a chemical similar to the high-inducing chemical in weed. Fake pot used to be legal, but Michigan and federal legislators are now cracking down on synthetic marijuana substances like Spice, K-2, and LOL.
It is a stimulating psychoactive drug
Another new trend in Michigan is a drug called “bath salts.” This is not the same as the smelling salts one adds to a bubble bath, but it is marketed as such to get around federal and state drug laws. Technically, this substance is called Methylenedioxypyrovalerone, or MDPV for short. It is a stimulating psychoactive drug. Recently, the Drug Enforcement Agency used its emergency scheduling powers to make bath salts illegal.
Substances like synthetic cannabis and bath salts are considered designer drugs, which are drugs with a chemical makeup similar, but not identical to, an illegal controlled substance. However, as is the case with things like K-2, state and federal laws now prohibit the use, possession, and manufacture of certain designer drugs, also called analogue drugs.
Regardless of which drug crime a person is charged with, the penalties can be severe. It is important to contact a drug crime defense lawyer immediately if you are being investigated for or have been charged with a drug crime.