You have a Constitutional right to an attorney, so don’t let anyone make you feel bad for it!
One of the first things a police officer will say to you when you’re arrested (if they’re doing their job properly), is that you have the right to an attorney. This is part of the Miranda rights that a police officer is required to read to you at the time of your arrest. It comes right after the part where they tell you that you have the right to remain silent and that anything you say can be used against you in court.
And right before the part where they say that an attorney will be provided for you if you can’t afford one, but court appointed attorneys are rarely a good idea! Long ago, in a very famous criminal case called Gideon v. Wainwright, our Supreme Court said, “reason and reflection, require us to recognize that, in our adversary system of criminal justice, any person haled into court, who is too poor to hire a lawyer, cannot be assured a fair trial unless counsel is provided for him. This seems to us to be an obvious truth.”
It’s your right to have an attorney!
The point we’re trying to make here, is that having an attorney to represent you when you’re accused of a crime is your Constitutional right. That right is found in the Sixth Amendment which mandates the “assistance of counsel” for the accused “in all criminal prosecutions.”. This means that a criminal defendant has a constitutional right to be represented by an attorney during trial.That has now been extended to require that you have the right to an attorney not just at trial, but “at all critical phases” of your case.
We want to say that again, just in case you missed it … IT’S YOUR RIGHT granted to you by the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution! The law says that you’re entitled to have an attorney defend you. (In fact, you don’t need to be charged with a crime to hire a lawyer! You can hire a lawyer if you think you’re going to be charged, but no charges have been filed yet! Hundreds of clients hire our law firm before they’re charged with anything.)
It doesn’t matter what you’re accused of, or how many times you’ve been accused of crimes in the past. Rich or poor, male or female, old or young, the United States Constitution protects your right to an attorney at all critical phases of a criminal proceeding.
Don’t believe everything the cops tell you!
Many cops are honest and law-abiding. They want to solve crimes, put “the bad guy” behind bars, and go home to their families. But every now and again you find an overzealous cop who wants a conviction more than the truth! In those cases, they might try to make you feel bad for wanting to have your attorney present for questioning.
So when you ask for an attorney and that pushy cop tells you that calling your lawyer makes you look like you have something to hide, don’t believe them! If they say that you don’t need a lawyer because you’re just “having a little chat”, don’t believe them! And if they suggest that only guilty people need attorneys, don’t believe that either!
Not everyone in the legal system has the same goals!
Although one of the most important pillars of our American justice system is the fact that everyone is innocent until proven guilty, the reality is a very different kettle of fish. Once you’ve been arrested, the cops and the prosecutor already assume you’re guilty. Even if you’re not. Which is where your lawyer comes in.
You need someone who can advocate for you. Someone who understands the legal system, and knows how best to handle the evidence against you. Having an attorney isn’t something that only “bad” people need. It isn’t the act of a desperate criminal, or the last resort of a guilty mind. It’s a smart tactic employed by millions of people all over the country to ensure that they’re well defended against odds that are often not in their favor. After all, our firm has represented many police officers, dentists, physicians, attorneys and CPS workers that were suspected of criminal activity. We tell them all the same thing too. And you should do the same!
A really good attorney makes a HUGE difference to your case!
If you think you’re going to be arrested, or you’ve already been questioned by the police or arrested in Michigan, you’re going to need a highly skilled and experienced defense attorney on your side. When you want to know how to protect yourself against the system, and need someone to fight for your rights and your future, then call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. We’re here to help. We’ve helped thousands of Michiganians over the decades.