Aggressive Criminal Defense

Gun Control in Michigan – What Are The Facts? (Part 3)

Guns are synonymous with freedom and inalienable right for many Americans.


Welcome back, and thanks for joining us for the wrap up of our discussion on gun control in Michigan. We know that firearms laws and gun control are hot topics right now – as they should be – and we also understand that there’s a lot of misinformation floating around out there. So we’ve put this three part series together in the hopes of dispelling a few myths and clearing up a few misunderstandings. If you are only joining us now, we recommend you take a few moments to get caught up.


So far we’ve talked about guns and schools – an obvious start, given the current situation, and also who may, and may not, own a gun in Michigan. We’ve also covered whether concealed carry and open carry are legal in Michigan..In this final segment we’re going to be looking at concealed carry more closely, and sharing some important information with you about who can get a concealed carry permit, and what the restrictions on that permit are for Michigan residents.


Who can get a concealed carry permit in Michigan?


There are certain requirements for a Michigan resident to get a concealed carry permit, which is also called a concealed pistol license (CPL). Curious what they are? Here you go:



If you have a CPL, can you keep your gun in your car?


This is a tricky one, and many people get confused about whether or not they can keep their guns in their vehicle while they’re going to and from work or out running errands. In short, yes, you are allowed to carry your pistol in your car, but there’s more to it than that!


In order to legally carry a gun in your car without a CPL, you must be carrying it for a ‘lawful’ purpose, and it must be unloaded, AND contained inside a closed case designed for transporting firearms, AND in the trunk of your car. If your car doesn’t have a trunk, it must be kept somewhere that isn’t readily accessible to the people inside the car.


If you want to transport any other type of gun that isn’t a pistol, in your car, there are other requirements you have to meet. For example, the weapon has to be taken down, as well as enclosed in a case, and placed into your trunk (or at least not be accessible to you.)


Do you need help from an experienced firearms defense attorney in Michigan?


We hope this break down of Michigan’s current laws was helpful for you. As we’ve said many times before, the best way to avoid legal complications when it comes to your weapons, it to be fully informed of the law! And always ensure that you get your info from reputable sources – gun laws change regularly in Michigan.


If you or a loved one has been accused of a gun-related crime in Michigan, call The Kronzek Firm immediately at 866 766 5245. Our aggressive and experienced firearms defense attorneys have handled countless gun-crime cases over the years, including helping our clients get their gun rights restored! We’re available 24 / 7 at  1 866-7NoJail.  


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