Have you ever been sitting in your car at a stoplight, belting out one of your favorite songs, and glanced over to realize people in the next car were staring at you? If so, you’re not alone (and just be glad it wasn’t worse – you could have been caught picking your nose!). But do you remember what you were feeling, right before you realized you had an unwitting audience? You felt like you were alone, right? In your own private bubble? That’s what everyone thinks when they’re in their own cars, despite the fact that you’re out in public.
People tend to forget how ‘public’ social media is…
Interestingly enough, that same false sense of privacy that people have while in their cars also seems to extend to social media. Despite the fact that we know how many people can see our posts, and read what we share with the social media world, people still labor under the delusion that they have some element of privacy online. And that’s exactly what the cops would like you to think. Because the things you post online can be used against you in an investigation, and as evidence in court – and they often are!
Social media is playing a growing role in criminal justice
Social media allows victims and their families to reach out to the public to raise awareness, and to ask for information about specific crimes. It allows people to offer up information they may have about certain events without having to go directly to the police. And it allows both police and victims’ families to reach a much larger audience, in a much faster time period. But how do the cops all over Michigan use social media, and why is it important for people to be aware of what they post?
Here’s an example of social media in crime solving…
18-year-old Brittney Gargol of Canada, was found dead on the side of the road in March of 2015. Police combed her social media accounts, looking for clues to who she was with on the night she died. A Facebook selfie of her and her best friend Cheyenne helped them solve the crime. How? The belt Cheyenne was wearing in the picture was the same one used to kill Brittney. When shown the evidence, Cheyenne confessed to killing her friend during a drunken argument and ended up getting 7 years in prison for her crime.
So what’s the lesson for Michigan residents in this story?
When Cheyenne Antoine posted that selfie with her best friend, she had no idea it would be the evidence that would lead to her later imprisonment. Which is usually the case for people when they post things online – they have no idea what the repercussions will be down the road. And that’s pretty much the case for most people. They post all kinds of things online without a thought for how those pictures, comments and shares can come back to bite them. Join us next time for a look at more ways the cops use social media to solve crimes, and why we all need to be careful about what info we share with the world online.
A hi-tech world needs defense attorneys with know-how and experience
Defense against criminal charges is a complex process, but even more so when it involves digital evidence. Being able to follow a digital trail online, retrieve deleted documents, and use computer forensics to assemble lost data is complicated and needs expert help. That’s where The Kronzek Firm’s trial team excels. With our vast assembly of experts available to assist our clients, we are well equipped for success. Call 866 766 5245 today and let us help you prepare a fierce defense. Remember that hiring the right attorney is critical to your case outcome.