Aggressive Criminal Defense

April Showers Bring Meth Flowers

Aggressive Criminal Defense

Melting Snow Reveals Meth Dump Sites

With the increasingly sunny days of April now upon us, and the snow melting away to reveal winter’s hidden debris, law enforcement agencies across Michigan are faced with that most toxic of spring surprises – meth dump sites.

Current statistics show that about half the active meth cooks across the state will harm someone at least once during their “cooking” career. But on those occasions when their cook is successful, they usually discard the toxic waste and that increases the chances of bystanders and innocents getting hurt.

Methamphetamine use has skyrocketed across the nation during the last decade, and Michigan is no stranger to this problem. The Michigan State Police say that they see an increase in meth dump sites every spring as the snow melts. Both in urban and in rural areas, apparently, but woodland areas and more desolate spots tend to be hardest hit.

As an example of how prevalent this problem has become, the Calhoun County Sheriff Department recently collected 18 “one-pot” meth cooking bottles, along with about 26 pounds of meth waste in what amounts to a two-mile section of road. And although Calhoun County is considered to be one of the five worst counties for meth production, this is not an isolated issue.

While we didn’t make it to the top of the list (thank goodness!) Michigan is sixth in the nation for the number of reported meth labs, dump sites, and equipment seizures. In addition, Michigan’s reported meth related incidents has risen every year, while the national average appears to be going down.

Law enforcement is aware of the rising tide of meth use across the state, and is working hard to raise awareness and stop the production and sale of the drug. While using meth is a misdemeanor in Michigan, possession of meth is a 10 year felony that might also cost you $15,000 in fines. As if that isn’t sobering enough, manufacture and distribution of meth are 20 year felonies with possible fines of up to $25,000.

While our advice to everyone, whether or not they are our clients, would be to steer clear of methamphetamine in any capacity, we understand that not everyone takes our advice. If you are faced with a meth related charge and are in need of a good defense attorney who can help you to get your life on track, give us a call. We can help you.

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