Aggressive Criminal Defense

Michigan Professional License Defense Attorney

Aggressive Criminal Defense

When a licensed individual is facing a criminal prosecution, the consequences can last far beyond any criminal penalties. At The Kronzek Firm, we are called upon to represent doctors, lawyers, day care providers, nurses, CNA’s, teachers, builders, real estate professionals, Certified Public Accountants, and other licensed individuals. In many of those cases, we have to be concerned about both the criminal case and the potential life-altering loss of a professional license.

Depending on the profession or industry, many licensed individuals have a duty to report a criminal charge or conviction to their professional licensing board often within a certain period of time. Others may only have a duty to report an actual conviction.

School employees are required to report arrests and criminal convictions to their districts

The School Safety Act requires school employees and prospective employees—including teachers, contract workers, and many others—to report both to the employing school district and Michigan Department of Education within 3 business days of:

1) being arraigned for any felony charge and certain misdemeanor charges, and

2) upon conviction.

This is quite worrisome, because many criminal defendants have not hired an attorney at the time they are arraigned and may be given no notice of this strict reporting requirement. School employees who fail to give this notice can face another felony or misdemeanor charge just for not reporting their original charge.

Many health workers are also required to report criminal convictions

Also, nurses and other health professionals must report a conviction within 30 days of a conviction date to the Health Regulation Division of the Michigan Bureau of Health Professions. Professional license suspensions are automatic if the conviction is for a felony or a controlled substance offense.

There are many more licensed professions in Michigan whose practitioners may be required to report a criminal charge or conviction. These include doctors, lawyers, counselors, police officers, firefighters, and many more.

A criminal conviction can result in you losing your professional license in Michigan

For many people, the tendency may be to try to keep a criminal charge or conviction a secret from their employers for fear that they will lose their jobs. However, non-reporting of violations of the law can lead to more criminal charges for certain people. If you have been charged with a crime, we recommend hiring expert criminal defense attorneys to help you determine whether you must report your charge or conviction, when you should do so, and how you should do it.

The attorneys at The Kronzek Firm are experienced and effective at both criminal defense and professional license defense. Contact us today if you’re facing a criminal accusation, or are concerned about defending your professional license. Our number is 866-766-5245

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