Aggressive Criminal Defense

Michigan Drugged Driving Lawyers

Aggressive Criminal Defense

We will defend our clients against OWPD in Detroit, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, and throughout Michigan’s lower peninsula. In Michigan, arrests for drugged driving or driving under the influence of drugs are on the rise. Prosecutors argue that driving while impaired due to the ingestion of drugs is just as dangerous as driving while impaired from alcohol.

Drugged Driving: OWPD and OUID

There are two Michigan crimes dealing with drugged driving: Operating With the Presence of Drugs (OWPD) and Operating Under the Influence of Drugs (OUID). The difference between these two crimes is that with OWPD, the prosecution must only prove that the driver had any amount of a Schedule 1 controlled substance or Cocaine in his or her body, while with OUID, the prosecution has to prove that the driver operated a vehicle in a manner that was unreasonable or unsafe due to the influence of drugs. A conviction in any Michigan court for either of these crimes has long-term consequences.

Drugged Driving Penalties

The penalties for OWPD and OUID are the same. It depends on a number of factors, such as whether this is a driver’s first, second, or third drugged or drunk driving conviction and whether the driver injured or killed another person because of the impaired driving. You should consult with a capable, experienced attorney if you have been charged with any drugged or drunk driving crime.

Your OWPD and OUID Defense Lawyers

The drugged driving attorneys at The Kronzek Firm PLC have been practicing criminal defense for close to 100 combined years. We know the ramifications of being convicted of any drunk or drugged driving crime, and will work like pitbulls to defend you. Our defense team has many excellent results in drugged driving, drunk driving, and impaired driving cases.


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