Hi there and welcome back. We’ve been looking at the different crimes that often increase during the holiday season here in Michigan. You might think it’s strange because it’s supposed to be the holly-jolly season, right? But believe it or not, this time of year sees a significant rise in criminal activity, particularly crimes of opportunity and certain violent crimes. In the previous article, we talked about Assault, mail theft (commonly called ‘porch pirating’) and drunk driving. Next, we’d like to wrap up the list with another few common but very serious ‘Christmas crimes’. So keep your eyes open and don’t be a victim!
Burglary is usually on the rise during the holiday season
People buy a lot of new stuff during the holidays. Whether it’s gift shopping for others, or simply making use of the many sales and deals available this time of year to get yourself something nice, most homes end up with a lot of new items. However, when you fold up those boxes and stick them out next to your recycling, all you’re doing is letting every interested person know exactly what cool new toys will be available for illegal pick up in your home in the near future. So if you want to reduce the chances of having your home broken into over the holidays. Be sure to fold up your shipping boxes and packages inside out before putting them out for recycling. The less people know, the better! Also, installing security cameras in a prominent location or two outside your home deters burglars. Just be sure they can be easily seen by the bad guys that are checking out your home before breaking in.
Domestic violence episodes also increase during Christmas time
Statistics show that instances of domestic violence rise significantly over the holidays, both at Christmas time and even more so over New Years’. Although there is no scientifically proven explanation for why, many experts suggest that it’s a combination of factors that come into play together. For example: the cold weather, the increase in sickness, the added financial stress of Christmas, unpleasant family obligations, and the more frequent use of alcohol and drugs. All of these issues combined can lead to some very serious irritability in some folks, and that can land some people in a jail cell at Christmas time! The vacancy sign is up at the Oakland County Jail, the Ottawa County Jail, the Ionia jail and they still have a few cells open in Kent County too. Unfortunately, when there are kids present, that means CPS is likely to end up involved. And that’s never a good thing. Whether you’re in Lansing, Howell, Mt. Clemens or Midland, MI, keep your hands to yourself!
Crimes of opportunity spike significantly around this time of year!
Ask the cops what criminal activity they’re probably going to be spending a whole lot more time dealing with, and they’ll tell you “crimes of opportunity”. What does that mean exactly? It means opportunities for illegal enrichment that present themselves courtesy of the holiday season. So there’ll be a host of vehicle break-ins and purse snatchings happening at shopping centers and malls across Michigan as we head into Christmas. Of course, there’s also a lot of fraudulent use of credit cards. So be alert while you’re out gift shopping, hold onto your belongings tightly, and don’t leave enticing-looking things in your car. The best way to avoid being a target is to pay attention to your surroundings and make smart choices.
If you end up needing legal help this holiday season…
It’s our hope, here at The Kronzek Firm, that you have a safe, healthy, peaceful and enjoyable holiday season. We hope these tips help you make smart choices that will keep your family and your belongings safe. However, if you or a loved one screw up during the holidays and do something you regret, call us immediately 866 766 5245 (866 7NO JAIL). We know that everybody makes mistakes, and because stress levels can run so high at this time of year, it can be a challenging period for many people. Our decades of experience and aggressive defense attorneys are on call 24 / 7 including the holidays. Call our office as soon as trouble arises.