Aggressive Criminal Defense

Jingle Bells, Sleigh Rides, And Holiday Offenses Galore! (Pt 1)

christmas holidays
It may be the season of peace on earth and goodwill towards men, but it’s also the season of increased porch pirating, drunk driving, and assault!

The holiday season is meant to be a time of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. But for many people, it’s really the season of increased debt, stress about gift shopping, and family get-togethers with people they don’t really like. Oh, and crime. It’s the season of increased criminal activity in a whole lot of areas. So if you live in Michigan and you want to avoid being the victim of someone’s Christmas crime spree, keep these facts in mind. And if you have a tendency to bend the rules, then now would be a good time to be on your best behavior. Because the cops are keeping a sharp eye out this holiday season! Oh, and remember Santa is also making his list and checking it twice. 

Michigan drunk driving incidents usually go up around this time of year

More parties, more family festivities, and more free time to get together with friends over the holidays usually adds up to one thing – more drunk or drugged driving on Michigan roads. Statistics show that the number of alcohol-related crashes increases between Thanksgiving and New Years, and so does the number of DUI arrests. So be safe over the holidays! Call an Uber, designate a driver, or crash at your friend’s house to avoid spending Christmas behind bars. And remember – even if you’re sober, you still need to pay close attention when you’re out driving during the holidays. Sober people regularly get hit by drunk drivers! 

The number of assaults also increases around Christmas time

If you got blessed with a loving family, then chances are you’re looking forward to the Christmas get-together this year. But not everyone is that lucky. Thousands of people dread their annual holiday-with-family-day. And if you add a little alcohol or weed to the mix, you have a guaranteed recipe for disaster! Instances of assault go up at Christmas time, so if you think your relationship with your relatives is stressful enough to land you in a fist-fight this Christmas, perhaps it’s time to change your yuletide plans. 

“Porch pirating” reaches a fever pitch during the month of December!

Shopping becomes something of a national sport in the month of December, as people prepare for Christmas gift-giving. However, with each passing season, the number of people shopping online increases. This means the number of brown boxes from Amazon piling up on your doorstep reaches astronomical proportions this month – a fact that doesn’t escape the porch pirates! Although mail fraud has been a federal crime for ages, Michigan’s Governor signed mail theft laws just a few months ago, making it a one year misdemeanor to steal a package off someone’s porch the first time you get busted, and a five year felony the second time!

Do you need a top-rated criminal defense attorney this holiday season?

The holidays are meant to be a time of good cheer and merriment, with everyone getting along and having a good time. At least, that’s the version of reality we usually see on TV. But things don’t always work out the way we hope they will (and real life rarely looks like the commercials!). Sometimes situations get out of hand, or we make choices that don’t work they way we’d planned. Either way, if you end up in trouble during the holidays, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245. Our skilled criminal defense attorneys are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Including on holidays. We have 25 years of experience successfully helping our clients in Michigan. And don’t forget to join us next time for the wrap up of this not-so-cheery list of common holiday crimes!

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