Aggressive Criminal Defense

Don’t Tase Me Bro! When Can Michigan Cops Use Tasers During Arrests? (Pt. 1)

black police utility belt

Most Michigan cops carry tasers on their utility belts for easy access!


If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a taser you know how totally horrible it feels! Every muscle in your body locks up, and you lose control of your ability to move. It’s well…. simply shocking. Some people have described it as feeling like you’re being hit by lightning. However, as you probably know, if you’ve been tased (and you’re not an officer in training) then you’ve probably been on the wrong end of a police officer’s orders. Which brings us to the question we’re discussing today – the use of tasers by police officers in Michigan.


Why are Michigan cops allowed to use tasers on people?


Many states, including Michigan, allow their officers to use tasers on suspects. The reason is because a taser, while it can still injure someone, is considered to be far less deadly than a gun. It also allows an officer to quickly render someone unable to flee or cause someone else injury, without having to shoot them.


Are tasers safe to use on people?


Yes and no. In theory, a taser is safe to use because, other than the two small pierce points that the barbs cause when they hit you, the taser doesn’t usually cause any lasting injuries. However, there are a lot of other factors to consider when trying to use a taser safely. For example, tasers are particularly dangerous to anyone who has a heart condition, is wearing a heart monitor, or is pregnant. What makes it even more of an issue, is the fact that most of the time, none of these conditions are obvious, which can put many people in danger.


When can a cop use a taser on someone?


Under Michigan law, a cop is only supposed to use a weapon when they have reasonable suspicion that the person is a threat, or is committing a crime and is dangerous to the officer or to the public. Tasers are weapons, and cops are only allowed to use tasers on suspects when they feel threatened, or when a suspect needs to be subdued in order to get them restrained in handcuffs. However, there have been many situations where officers used tasers, that weren’t warranted. Didn’t we hear stories in Grand Rapids and in Farmington Hills about police misuse of a Taser? What about the teenage boy that died in the Lansing area after being hit by a cop’s Taser?


What happens when you get hurt because you were tased?


According to research done by Reuters, more than 150 people died in 2017, as a direct result of being tasered by police officers. That’s a significant number of civilians who lost their lives as a result of a “safer” weapon. Many of those deaths lead to lawsuits, where the families of the deceased victims sued for coverage of their medical expenses and other damages. However, while we now know that tasers aren’t as safe as we’ve been led to believe they are, the next subject we’d like to talk about is when it’s okay for a Michigan cop to use a taser, and when it’s not.


Have your rights been violated by a cop in Michigan?


Join us next time to a look at reasonable suspicion, and when cops are within their rights to use tasers on suspects. Until then, if you have been arrested or charged with a crime in the lower peninsula and you’re ready to fight for your future, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail) immediately! Our highly skilled and experienced criminal defense attorneys are considered among the best in Michigan. When your life and your future is on the line, and you can afford the top criminal defense lawyers, call us. Our phones are answered 24/7.  


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