Aggressive Criminal Defense

Add a Marijuana Law Section to the Michigan Bar?

Michigan Bar Association Considers Marijuana Law


The Michigan Bar Association has a great number of sections, each one dedicated to the practice of a different area of the law. Health Care Law, Family Law, Agricultural Law, and even Aviation Law. So the question is, will there be a Marijuana Law section in the near future?

Well, Lapeer attorney Bernard Jocuns certainly hopes so. In fact, Jocuns is so determined to make this happen, that he is leading the effort to petition the Association to create a group dedicated to the subject of marijuana law in Michigan.

But in order for that to happen, more than attorneys would have to indicate their interest and support. Jocuns is certain that this won’t be a problem. But what would be the benefit of creating a section for Medical Marijuana. What purpose would it serve?

In essence, it would serve the same purpose that every other section serves for it’s particular area of law. To advise the legislature on issues pertaining to marijuana law across the state. To provide academic papers on the subject of medical marijuana law. And also to offer seminars aimed at educating and informing people.

Much like the Roman Forum, it would provide an arena for discussion and debate. An opportunity for attorneys who are invested in the future of Michigan’s Medical Marijuana law. After all, it is one of the fastest growing and changing aspects of our law here in the mitten state.

Since it’s introduction as a conditionally legal form of medication here in Michigan, the laws surrounding medical marijuana have changed over and over. As Jocuns pointed out, medical marijuana is not just a factor in criminal law anymore. It now affects family law, agricultural law, and even business law.

Jocuns says that he has received wide support for this idea from attorneys around the state. It is now simply a matter of waiting to see which attorneys speak up in favor of this section, and claim a seat in the section-to-be….

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